Summer Art Auction

от Cutler Bay Auctions

18507 S. Dixie Hwy. Cutler Bay, FL 33157 USA, Соединенные Штаты

Join us for an exciting online Summer Art Auction starting at 2 PM Eastern Time on Saturday, June 15th. This exclusive event features an impressive array of lots from two prominent estates: one from San Francisco, California, and the other from Upstate New York. The auction showcases a stunning collection of works by notable New England artists, including Hayley Lever, Anthony Thieme, William Lester Stevens, and Frank Henry Shapleigh. Also featured are exquisite pieces by acclaimed Western artists such as Carolus Verhaeren, Ernest H. Pohl, Maurice Logan, and Herman Dudley Murphy. The collection includes a variety of prints, watercolors, and oil paintings, offering something for every art enthusiast. We will be available to answer your questions via email throughout the auction to ensure a seamless bidding experience. Happy bidding!

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