Leilão 65 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
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LOTE 178:

Booklet of Torah Novellae Handwritten and Signed by the Steipler

Vendido por: $2 200
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$ 1 500
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12.3.19 em Kedem

Booklet of Torah Novellae Handwritten and Signed by the Steipler
Manuscript, booklet (6 pages) of novellae on the topic of depositing leavened goods in tractate Pesachim, handwritten by the Steipler, who signed on the last page: "Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky, yeshiva dean in Bnei Brak". [Bnei Brak, ca. 1946]. Author's autograph with deletions and additions. This booklet was presumably sent to his teacher R. Avraham Yoffen in the United States, for publication in the Ohel Yosef Torah anthology by Novardok alumni, which first appeared in Poland 1939, and its publication resumed in the United States in 1946. Ultimately, this essay was not published, but a section on this topic (a later version) was printed in his book Kehillot Yaakov Part VI (Jerusalem, 1947, section 4). He discusses the words of Responsa Achiezer Part III (Vilna, Sivan 1939 - this booklet was presumably written ca. 1945-1946). The Steipler would toil extensively over editing and correcting his books. He added to and enhanced his writings over and over again, editing the contents and wording, leaving not one sentence or topic unclear. This is a preliminary edition of his writings, and is different in many ways from the words eventually printed in his book in 1947. Kedem Auction 59 (item 297) featured a letter which the Steipler sent in 1945 to New York, to his teacher R. Avraham Yoffen - dean of the Novardok yeshiva - in response to the latter's request to send some of his novellae to by published in the Ohel Yosef anthology, whose publication resumed after the Holocaust. The Steipler wrote there that he was enclosing with the letter a booklet of his novellae (possibly this booklet, which was not published in the end, or a booklet on a different topic, which was published in Ohel Yosef, New York, Nissan 1946). In that letter, the Steipler wrote that at first, he experienced difficulty in selecting an appropriate piece: "While examining what to send, I did not find something to my satisfaction, this is too simple, and this is too intricate, this is dubious, and this has already been published…". R. Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky (1899-1985), an extraordinary Torah leader of the past generation. He was known as the Steipler, appellation derived from his hometown Hornostaipil, Ukraine. A foremost student of the Novardok yeshivot in Ukraine and Poland, he was reputed as one of the most diligent and scholarly students in the yeshiva world. Following his wedding to the sister of the Chazon Ish, he was appointed dean of the Novardok yeshiva in Pinsk, and in 1934, he immigrated to Eretz Israel to serve as dean of the Beit Yosef - Novardok yeshiva in Bnei Brak. For many years, he lived in Bnei Brak in the same house as his brother-in-law, the Chazon Ish. After the yeshiva shut down, he resumed his studies in Kollel Chazon Ish and in his home, and authored the Kehillot Yaakov series on most Talmudic topics and tractates. His writings were first published (between 1936-1956) in ten parts consisting of novellae on Talmudic topics from various tractates, and were later reorganized as a series of books following the sequence of Talmudic tractates. He was known as a wonder-worker who benefitted from divine inspiration, and many sought his blessings and counsel. 3 leaves (6 written pages). Approx. 19.5 cm. Good condition. Creases and light stains. Enclosed is an old envelope from the Unites States with the handwritten inscription: "Letter of Steipler".