Leilão 65 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
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Babylonian Talmud - Amsterdam, 1644-1648 - Incomplete Set - Original Leather-Covered Wood Bindings

Vendido por: $2 800
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$ 2 000
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12.3.19 em Kedem

Babylonian Talmud - Amsterdam, 1644-1648 - Incomplete Set - Original Leather-Covered Wood Bindings
Babylonian Talmud. Amsterdam: Immanuel Benveniste, [1644-1648]. Eight volumes. Incomplete set with original bindings, wood covered with leather. The volumes include: 1. Tractate Brachot, Order Zera'im. 1644-1645. 2. Tractates Pesachim, Chagigah, Beitza, Moed Katan. [1645]. 3. Tractates Yevamot, Ketubot, Kiddushin. [1647]. 4. Tractates Gittin, Nedarim, Sotah, Nazir. [1647]. 5. Tractates Makkot, Shevuot, Eduyot, Horayot, Avodah Zarah, Minor Tractates. [1645-1647]. 6. Tractates Zevachim, Chullin. [1647]. 7. Tractates Menachot, Bechorot, Arachin, Me'ilah, Tamid, Middot, Keritot, Temurah. [1647]. 8. Tractate Niddah, Order Taharot. [1647]. Some of the bindings bear signatures, ownership inscriptions and numerous quill attempts, in Hebrew and German. Several marginal glosses in some volumes. Several volumes (Makkot, Zevachim-Chullin, Menachot), contain ownership inscriptions and signatures of three generations: R. Shimon Lehmans ("Simon Lehmans"), his son R. Yosef Asher Lehmans Rabbi of The Hague, and his grandson R. Yaakov Lehmans Rabbi of Nijmegen. Inscription on the back endpaper of volume Zevachim-Chullin: "…I, the undersigned, attest that this Gemara belongs to my master R. … Yosef Asher Lemel Rabbi of The Hague and the region. Menachem Mendel Löwenstam". On the front endpaper: "Emanuel Joachim Lowenstam" [R. Menachem Mendel son of R. Chaim Löwenstam (ca. 1807-1845), rabbi of Rotterdam and substitute rabbi of The Hague (after the passing of the aforementioned R. Yosef Asher Lemel). His father R. Chaim (Joachim, son of R. Aryeh Leib Breslau author of Pnei Aryeh and rabbi of Emden and Rotterdam), was the rabbi of Leeuwarden and the province of Friesland]. R. Yosef Asher Lemel (Lehmans, 1766-1842), son of R. Shimon, a leading Torah scholar of his generation, served as rabbi of The Hague for 35 years. His son R. Yaakov Lehmans, rabbi of Nijmegen, was the son-in-law of R. Shmuel Bernstein Rabbi of Amsterdam. On the endpaper of the volume of Berachot and Zera'im: "The Talmud… as a gift from my father on the day of my wedding… Shalom son of… Moshe Falk of Schwa---, here, Amersfoort". Eight volumes. Approx. 27 cm. Condition varies. Most volumes in good - good-fair condition. One volume in fair-poor condition, with extensive wear and traces of past dampness. Stains and wear. Tears, affecting text in several places. Original bindings, wood covered with leather, with clasp remnants. Damage and missing parts to bindings. See: R. N.N. Rabinowitz, Maamar al Hadpasat HaTalmud, Jerusalem 1952, pp. 93-95, regarding this edition of the Talmud.