Leilão 65 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
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LOTE 62:

Set of Babylonian Talmud - Amsterdam, 1644-1648 - Signatures and Glosses

Vendido por: $2 200
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$ 1 500
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IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
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12.3.19 em Kedem

Set of Babylonian Talmud - Amsterdam, 1644-1648 - Signatures and Glosses
Babylonian Talmud with commentaries. Amsterdam: Immanuel Benveniste, [1644-1648]. Complete set in sixteen volumes (apart from several missing leaves). Sixteen volumes printed in 1644-1648, some volumes comprise several tractates, as follows: • Berachot, with Order Zera'im. • Shabbat, Eiruvin. • Pesachim, Chagigah, Beitza, Moed Katan. • Rosh Hashanah, Taanit, Yuma, Sukkah, Shekalim (Yerushalmi), Megillah. • Yevamot, Ketubot. • Gittin, Nedarim, Sotah, Nazir. • Kiddushin. • Bava Kama (lacking title page), Bava Metzia. • Bava Batra. • Sanhedrin. • Makkot, Shevuot, Minor Tractates, Horayot, Eduyot, Avodah Zara. • Zevachim. • Menachot. • Chullin (lacking 3 leaves of Kitzur Piskei HaRosh at the end of the volume). • Arachin, Me'ilah, Keritot, Temurah, Bechorot, Tamid, Middot, Kinnim. • Niddah, with Order Taharot. Early ownership inscriptions and signatures. In the volume of Tractates Shabbat and Eiruvin - many glosses in Ashkenazic script. Early owner's signature on title page: "Yechiel Michel… son of R. Moshe Shapiro". On the front endpaper, inscription mentioning: "Our master and teacher R. Naftali HaLevi…". On the title page of Tractates Gittin and Nedarim: "Belongs to the great community leader R. Wolf son of Gavriel". On p. 2a of tractate Gittin: "This book belongs to the great Torah scholar R. Lieberlein…". In the Tractate Zevachim volume - glosses in Sephardic script. Calligraphic signature on the verso of the title page: "Mine, I, the young Yaakov son of Chaim Maimra". On the title page of Tractate Zevachim - ownership inscriptions: "G-d granted me this Gemara, so says Yehuda son of Naftali of Vienna"; "Yitzchak of Gunzenhausen". 16 volumes. 25-27 cm. Condition varies. A few volumes in good-fair condition. Most volumes in fair condition, a few in fair-poor condition. Stains and wear. Dampstains and traces of past dampness. Worming. Severe worming and extensive wear to some volumes. Open tears affecting text, repaired in part. Detached leaves. Old bindings, worn, not uniform, some detached. Several volumes without binding. Bookplates in several volumes. See: R. N.N. Rabinowitz, Maamar al Hadpasat HaTalmud, Jerusalem 1952, pp. 93-95, regarding this edition of the Talmud.