LOTE 141: Sacred Zhitomir Tehillim. Unknown Edition. Zhitomir, 1861. "Elegantly printed in all forms of beauty" (text of the title page) Sefer Tehillim, elegantly printed in all forms of beauty. Carefully proofread and supervised kri and ktiv . Zhitomir, by Rabbi Aryeh Leib Shapira, grandson of the ...
LOTE 142: Precious Find! Chamishah Chumshei Torah with Prayers. Sephard. Zhitomir. Unknown Edition. Chamishah Chumshei Torah with Targum Onkelos and Rash"i's commentary, with haftarot and chamesh megillot, and with a siddur for Shabbat. Zhitomir, at the press of the partners, grandsons of the Slavuta ...
LOTE 143: Collection of Tractates and Partial Tractates from the Press of Rabbi Moshe Shapira in Slavuta. Collection of volumes, partial volumes and title pages of various tractates from the Babylonian Talmud, printed by the royal family - the Rebbe Rabbi Moshe Shapira, av beit din of Slavuta and son of ...
LOTE 144: Sefer Zohar al HaTorah - Complete Set. Slavuta, 1805-1810. Sefer HaZohar al Chamishah Chumshei Torah - Bereishit, Shemot VaYikra, Bamidbar, and Devarim. Two different editions. Printed in Slavuta by the partners Dov Ber b"r Yisrael Segal and Dov Ber b"r Pesach. It is accepted that the printer ...
LOTE 145: Group of [3] Important Sefarim from the Slavuta and Zhitomir Presses. 1834-1863. Three important segulah sefarim from the Slavuta and Zhitomir presses known for their segulah for protection and success: Sefer HaZohar (Zhitomir) and two volumes of Ein Ya'akov (Slavuta) dealing with Talmudic ...
LOTE 146: Messilat Yesharim. Zhitomir. 1847. Messilat Yesharim including all topics in mussar and fear of Heaven, by Rabbeinu Moshe Chaim Luzzato - the Ramcha"l. Zhitomir, at the press of Rabbi Chanina Lipa, Rabbi Aryeh Leib and Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Shapira, grandsons of the rabbi of Slavuta. 1847. The ...
LOTE 147: Title Page of a Zhitomir Tehillim, 1855. Printed at the Sacred Printing House of the Shapira Family. Title page of Sefer Tehillim im Peirush Rash"i v'im Imrot Tehorot v'im Ma'amadot . Zhitomir, at the press of Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Shapira. 1855. First title page. The ...
LOTE 148: Set of Chok L'Yisrael. Zhitomir - from the Sacred Press of the Shapira Family. Set of five volumes of Chok L'Yisrael - Bereishit, Shemot, Vayikra, Bamidbar and Devarim. The set consists of volumes from different editions. Zhitomir, R' Chanina Lipa and R' Yehoshua Heschel Shapira Press - ...
LOTE 149: Likkutei Tzvi, Important Prayers for Yerach HaEitanim. Zhitomir, 1865. "In the Mussaf prayer, one should ask for one of three things on Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, during Ayeh Mekom Kevodo : tremendous wealth for Divine service, or pious, righteous and wise children, or the achievement of ...
LOTE 150: Dispute Between the Mitnagdim and the Chassidim: Metzaref HaAvodah. Zhitomir, 1865. Sefer Metzaref HaAvodah - fundamental and important sefer on the dispute between the Chassidim and the mitnagdim , in an edition printed at a Shapira family press. Zhitomir, at Rabbi Aryeh Leib Shapira of ...
LOTE 151: The Fundamental Sefer of Kabbalah - the First Edition of the Zohar!. Sefer HaZohar L'Tanna HaEloki Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai on chamishah chumshei Torah: Bereishit, Shemot, Vayikra, Bamidbar and Devarim. Precise Mantua edition - first edition of Sefer HaZohar . [Mantua, 1558-1560]. Incomplete ...
LOTE 153: Sha'ar Pitchei Levanon. Especially Rare Kabbalah Sefer. Kabbalistic Glosses. "Especially scarce sefer " (Gershom Scholem) Sefer Sha'ar Pitchei Levanon - compositions in Kabbalah. Name combinations and special vowelizations, as elucidated in Sefer Shushan Soddot attributed to the Ramba"n, and ...
LOTE 154: Especially Rare: Nezer Yisrael al HaZohar by the Maggid of Kozhnitz. Scarce First Edition. Nezer Yisrael - commentary and elucidation of the Zohar and the Zohar HaChadash written by Rabbi Yisrael ztzukllh"h, maggid meisharim of Kozhnitz. Lemberg, 1864. First edition. Rare sefer . First ...
LOTE 155: First Printing: Diveri Chaim by the Sacred Rebbe of Sanz. His First Sefer, Printed Anonymously. Chassidut, first edition: Sefer Divrei Chaim on the halachahs of gittin and mikva’ot by the Admo”r Rabbi Chaim Halberstam of Sanz, the leading Admo”r of Galicia, known by the name of this book, as the ...
LOTE 156: First Printing: Iggera D'Kallah by the Author of Bnei Yissachar of Dinov. Lvov, 1868. Chassidut, first edition. Sefer Iggera D'Kallah on the Torah. This important and renowned Kabbalistic Chassidic work was authored by the Admo"r Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech Shapira of Dinov, author of Bnei Yissachar - ...
LOTE 157: Kitzur Likkutei Mohara"n by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. Rare Early Edition . Kitzur Likkutei Mohara"n "from the first edition and the second edition ... full of mussar , fear of G-d and proper conduct ... that come out of the wondrous essays that are brought in the great work Likkutei Mohara"n ...
LOTE 158: Chassidut Breslov, First Edition: Alim LaTrufah. Berdichov, 1896. Rare. Sefer Alim LaTerufah - letters to awaken a person to serve his Creator, by Rabbi Nathan Sternhartz, Moharana"t of Breslov. Berdichov, 1896. First edition. First edition of the most important and fundamental sefer of Breslov ...
LOTE 159: Post-Incunabla: Sefer HaIkarim - Faith and Philosophy. Venice, 1521. Sefer HaIkarim , Jewish faith and philosophy by Rabbi Yosef Albo. [Venice, Daniel Bomberg Press, 1521.] Early edition. Incomplete copy. Sefer HaIkarim is considered sought-after and beloved among scholars. It was printed no ...
LOTE 160: ספר השרשים להרד"ק. ונציה, רפ"ט [1529]. ספר השרשים, מאת רבינו דוד קמחי – רד"ק. ונציה, בדפוס בומבירג, רפ"ט [1529]. מהדורה קדומה של החיבור הדקדוקי החשוב של הרד"ק. הברמן, המדפיס בומבירג 147. [2] עמ’, ה-תקע עמודות, [1] עמ’.עם עמוד הקולופון. אך ללא העמוד האחרון עם השירים. 29.5 ס"מ. מצב טוב. ...
LOTE 161: Sefer Mitzvot L'HaRamba"m. Venice, 1550. Rare Edition. The Controvery Surrounding it Led to the Burning of the Talmud. Sefer Mitzvot L'HaRamba"m with Hasagot HaRamba"n and the Ra'ava"d, as well as glosses by Rabbi Meir Katzenelbogen of Padua. Venice, Marco Justinian Press. 1550. Beautiful ...
LOTE 162: Abarbanel's Commentary, First Edition. Sabbioneta, 1551. Pedigree Copy. First Hebrew book printed in Sabbioneta Sefer Merkavat HaMishnah - commentary by Rabbi Don Yitzchak Abarbanel to Sefer Devarim. Sabbioneta, 1551. First edition of the Abarbanel's commentary. Without the index leaves. ...
LOTE 163: Most Foundational Work: Beit Yosef al Yoreh Deah - First Edition. Venice, 1551. Glosses. Sefer Tur Yoreh Deah with the Beit Yosef commentary by Rabbi Yosef Karo, leading sage of Safed. Immediately upon its printing, this commentary became the most important halachic work, to this day. Venice ...
LOTE 164: Halachot Gedolot, First Edition. Venice, 1548, First Introduction for a Hebrew Book. Halachot Gedolot [ Beha"g ]. Venice, Justinian Press, 1548. First edition of the most important sefer in geonic halachic literature. The title page of the sefer boasts an impressive floral architectural border. ...
LOTE 165: Title Page from the Second Edition of the Shulchan Aruch. Venice, 1567. Printed in the Author's Lifetime. "Authored by the gaon, wonder of the generation, the complete sage, Rabbi Yosef Karo ..." Title page of Shulchan Aruch, Part I - Orach Chayim. Venice, Juan Grifo Press. Second edition ...
LOTE 166: Especially Rare: Kabbalistic Machzor with the Rama"k's Commentary. Venice, 1584. Glosses. Sephardic Machzor for the high holidays, Seder Selichot and Seder Tefillot Rosh HaShanah V'Yom HaKippurim with a Kabbalistic commentary by Rabbi Moshe Cordovero (Rama"k), founder of the the school of ...
LOTE 167: Machzor According to the Custom of Bnei Romah. Venice, 1587. Original Copy! Exceptionally Rare. Machzor per the custom of the Roma community, with the addition of all the parashiyot and haftarot, with elucidations of foreign words and precious comments. Venice, di Gara Press, 1587. Part I. ...
LOTE 168: Alshich HaKadosh, First Edition: Rav Pninim, Venice, 1601. Sefer Rav Pninim , elucidation on Sefer Mishlei. With the text of the sefer , by Rabbi Moshe Alshich. Venice, Juan di Gara Press, 1601. First edition, printed just after the author's passing. Rare sefer . The sefer includes 202 "batim" ...
LOTE 169: Alshich HaKadosh, First Edition: Chelkat Mechokek. Venice, 1603. Rare. Sefer Chelkat Mechokek , elucidation of Sefer Iyov, with the text of Iyov, by Rabbi Moshe Alshich. Venice, Juan di Gara Press, 1603. Rare sefer . The author passed away just a few years before the sefer was printed. His son ...
LOTE 170: Machzor According to the Custom of Bnei Romah. Venice, 1606. Exceptionally Rare Edition. Machzor per the custom of the Romah community, including all the additions, with the explanations of foreign words and comments. Part II, Venice, di Gara Press. 1606-1607. "Exceptionally rare edition." ...
LOTE 171: Sefer HaItur. Venice, 1608. First Edition. Fundamental Sefer. Sefer HaItur - laws of finance, marriage, divorce, and ketubot , by Rabbeinu Yitzchak ben Abba Mari. Venice, 1608. First edition. One of the fundamental early halachic works. Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography ...
LOTE 172: Prayer books for Protuguese and Spanish Jews, French with notes by Mardochee Venture. Nice, two volumes, 1773-1783. Exceptionally rare. Pieres a l'usage des Juifs portugais ou espagnols / traduites de l'hebreu, auxquelles on a ajoute des notes elementaires ... by Mardochee Ventur Prayer books ...
LOTE 173: Bibliographically Unknown: "Excellent Shemirah and Great Segulahs for Military Personnel". Printed leaf under the title: "Excellent protection and great segulahs for military personnel." Compiled and printed by the shu"b and Kabbalist Rabbi Chaim Meir Weider, disciple of the Spinka Rebbe, and ...
LOTE 174: Lechem Shamayim. The Ya'avetz's First Book. Wandsbek, 1733. Rare Book. . Lechem Shamayim, Part I, commentary on the mishnah for the orders of Zera'im and Mo'ed by Rabbi Ya'akov Emden - the Ya'avetz. Wandsbek, 1733. First edition. Pedigree copy. With the compilation Binyan Bait HaBechirah al ...
LOTE 175: Service for the Four Fast Days and the Four Parshiyot - Amsterdam, 1761. First Edition. Beautiful Copy. Seder L'Arba Tzomot U'L'Arba Parashiyot per the Carpentras custom. First edition brought to print by Rabbi Avraham Montil, printed in Amsterdam at the press of the partners R' Hertz Levi ...
LOTE 176: Kerem Ein Gedi. First Edition. Königsberg, 1764. Rare Sefer. Sefer Kerem Ein Gedi - special commentary for the Chad Gadya hymn by Rabbi Yehudah b"r Mordechai Horowitz of Zamut. Königsberg, 1764. First edition. Rare sefer . To the best of our knowledge, the sefer has not been at auction for a ...
LOTE 177: Seder Tefillot er the Custom of the Jews of Singali, India. Amsterdam, 1769. Prayer service for the days of Simchat Torah and Chupat Neurim, for ritual circumcisions, the service for the circumcisions and immersions of slaves and converts, for Passover, Purim and Yom HaTeru'ah, Selichot avon ...
LOTE 178: Passover Haggadah with Russian Translation and the Story of the Exodus from Egypt. Exceptionally Rare. Passover Haggadah [with the addition of the story of the exodus from Egypt per Sefer Shemot, with a Russian translation and pictures, and musical notes]. Vilna, Y. Pirozshanikov, 1901. The ...
LOTE 179: Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, Jubiläums-Nummer, 1908, Rare. Samson Raphael Hirsch, Jubiläums-Nummer . Half-jubilee celebratory edition published to mark the 25th anniversary of Rabbi Hirsch's passing. Essays, poems, biography and bibliography about the path and life of Rabbi Shimshon Raphael ...
LOTE 180: Shu"t Maharashda"m. Copy that Previously Belonged to the Leading Chacham of the Orient, Rabbeinu Chaim Palagi. With his Signature and a Gloss. She'elot U'Teshuvot HaShayachut b'Shu"t Choshen Mishpat - one of the most important books of responsa for halachic adjudication, constantly cited in ...
LOTE 181: Beit Hillel. Signature from the Av Beit Din of Pietrkov, Great-Uncle of the Tiferet Shlomo of Radomsk. Sefer Beit Hillel - novellae in the order of the weekly Torah portions, festivals and other special occasions, by Rabbi Hillel b"r Mordechai of Tismenitz. Frankfurt am Oder, 1744. First ...
LOTE 182: Shu"t Chatam Sofer, First Print. Copy that Belonged to the Manhig HaDor, Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Specktor. Especially distinguished copy, with an especially distinguished pedigree Sefer Shu"t Chatam Sofer, Yoreh Deah section, by Rabbeinu Moshe Sofer, father and teacher of the Jewish people. ...
LOTE 183: Beit Avot - First Work by Rabbi Chaim Palagi - Copy that Belonged to a Gvir, a Friend of the Author's. Tractate Avot with two important commentaries: Beit Avot by Rabbeinu Menachem HaMe'iri, and Darkei Chayim by Rabbi Chaim Palagi, av beit din of Izmir. Salonika, Bezalel Ashkenazi Press, 1821. ...
LOTE 184: Torat HaBayit - Copy that Belonged to the Gadol HaDor Rabbi Leib Shaier, Av Beit Din of Düsseldorf. Dozens of Handwritten Glosses. "He had the burning face of a lion - the light of Israel, the right pillar, the strong hammer, the famous gaon, R' Aryeh Leib Shaier" (the Chid"a) Sefer Torat ...
LOTE 185: Collection of [6] Sefarim from among those Written by the Chafetz Chaim, Most are First Editions. "Proofread" Notes. Collection of volumes of familiar works by Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaKohen of Radin, author of Mishnah Berurah , rabbinic leader and primary posek in Europe in his generation. * ...
LOTE 186: Even HaSha'ot. Vilna, 1818 with Many Supplements in the Sheets in Beautiful Calligraphic Penmanship. Unique and interesting abbreviated work on the laws of Orach Chaim written in poetic, rhyming language by Rabbi Aharon Brody. In the margins on Hilchot Peasch V'Yom Tov (37, 2-47, 1) there are ...
LOTE 187: Beit HaRo'eh. Rare Sefer. Pedigree Copy. Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Heller, Av Beit Din of Safed. Beit HaRo'eh - halachic rulings and scholarly halachic deliberations by Rabbi Shmuel Florintine. With the proofreader's foreword, and with a biography of the author. Salonika, 1758. Rare ...
LOTE 188: Sefer Kol Bo. Copy that Belonged to the Gadol HaDor Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky. Interesting Dedication. Sefer Kol Bo - one of the earliest and most important sifrei halachah , continually cited in Torah literature. Furth, 1782. This is the personal copy that accompanied Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky almost ...
LOTE 189: Noda BiYehudah. Copy that Belonged to Two Gedolei HaDor: Rabbi Shmuel Kara of Zempelburg and Rabbi Ziskind of Złotów. Sefer Noda BiYehudah - responsa by Rabbi Yechezkel Landau. Mahadura Tanina , Vol I. [Russia, 1812?]. Two gedolei hador signed the title page, from among the leading disciples and ...
LOTE 190: Remnant of a Manuscript on Parchment - Shirat HaYam. Germany-France, C. 13th-14th Century. Manuscript on parchment - passage from Sefer Shemot containing part of Shirat HaYam. Typical Ashkenazic script. [Germany/France C. 13th/14th century.] The text is arranged in the tile-on-brick style, per ...
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