Leilão 44 Parte 2 I live on Lenin street ! 100 years under the dictatorship...
Por The Arc
Moscow, embankment of Taras Shevchenko, d. 3, Rússia
Propaganda, books, ex-libris, etchings...Soviet children's book in different languages.
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Central S. A. Autolithograph to the story of Jan V. "Youth commander". Publishing house "Fiction" .

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identificações: Quadros Autógrafos

Central S. A. Autolithograph to the story of Jan V. "Youth commander". Publishing house "Fiction" .
Moscow. 1988 size: 20 x 27.5 cm. Pencil signature of the artist.

S. A Krestovsky ( b. 1952) is the honorary title of the winner of the seventh of artiade of the peoples of Russia in the illustrations of the tales of H. K. Andersen honorary title of laureate of the eleventh of artiade of the peoples of Russia in the illustration to prose contemporary Russian writers.: A. Kim, A. Likhanova, G., Nagaeva. He repeatedly received diplomas of the all-Russian competition of art of the book of the state publishing House of RSFSR, the nominee for the prize "Golden Apple" BIB in Bratislava. ... Published 15 articles about the artist in Moscow and foreign magazines and encyclopedias. December 2014 – letter of Thanks from the President of the Russian Federation for many years of fruitful creative activity and significant contribution to the art of the Russian book. 2018 - another letter of the President of the Russian Federation. For the last 12 years, he has mostly illustrated children's books.
In Russian iconography is the rank of "in thee rejoiceth all creation Rejoiced". As Krestovsky believes in this, perhaps, there is a sense of creativity: to see a miracle and thank God for the beauty of the universe and constant care for us - with his pictures, books. The fairy tale allows the artist to give not only a direct pictorial series, but also a parallel one in which the figurative side of the work, the country, the era, the writer is created, there is an opportunity to dream up and be a co-author. Each book -for him it is a new approach to the theme, color, plastic and imaginative series. How interesting it was to communicate to him with the good genius of Hans Christian Andersen, who himself was an excellent painter. 156 books are illustrated, including
Dostoevsky F. M. White nights; Boys; Little hero White nights; Boys; Little hero.-M: ASTREL, 2001.- 185, [4] c : Il.- (Reader of the student) ,
V. K. Zheleznikov Scarecrow: A Novel/ Vladimir Zheleznikov. ; .-M.: Astrel, 2001.- 220, [3] p.: Il.- (Favorite books girls) V. K. Zheleznikov Stuffed animal-2, or the game moths : [a novel]/ V. K. Zheleznikov. ; .-Moscow: NF "Pushkin library", 2005.- 317, [2] p.: Il.- (Series of "home reading") , Kuprin A. I. Novels and stories / A. I. Kuprin. ; [Comp. So Tumarova; -M.: ASTREL, 2000.- 170, [4] p.: Il..- (Student anthology), Moliere, J.-B. Comedy / Zh-B. Moliere. ; [transl. by M. L. Lozinski] ; artist. C. Central.-Volgograd: Lower.-Volzh. kN. ed., 1986.- 229, [5] p.: CV. slime.; Content.: Tartuffe, or the imposter ; don Juan ; the Miser.
Thackeray W. M. vanity Fair: a novel without a hero/ William Makepeace Thackeray. ; [Per. with English. M. Diakonova; Introduction. V. N. Michal;] .-Moscow: Fiction, 1983.- 733, [5] p., [1] L. portr., [6] l.: ill.- (Library of classics). A. K. Tolstoy's Dramatic trilogy; Poetry / A. K. Tolstoy. ; [ed. Preface. A. Tarkhov;] .-Moscow: Fiction, 1982.- 462, [1] p..- (Classics and contemporaries) , Content.: Dramatic trilogy: Death of Ivan the terrible ; Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich ; Tsar Boris. Poem: "my Bells..."; Empty house and other Ballads, epics, parables: Barrows ; Prince Rostislav ; Alyosha Popovich ; Sadko and others Turgenev I. S. First love: Novels and short stories/ I. S. Turgenev. ; .-M.: ASTREL, 2000.- 186, [4] p.: Il.- (Reader of the student)