Leilão 119 часть 1
Por The Arc
Moscow, Rússia
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LOTE 418:

Krupskaya N. To. Reminiscences of Lenin. First edition.

Preço inicial:
1 500 р
Comissão da leiloeira: 15% Mais detalhes
12.11.22 em The Arc
identificações: Livros Fotos

Krupskaya N. To. Reminiscences of Lenin. First edition.
The Roman edition of the newspaper 7 (61) Moscow worker. 1930. 40C. Publishing soft cover, large format: 24 X30 cm 
Condition closer to good, or no loss, but there are small tears sheets from staples.
It turns out that in the revolutionary movement of 90-ies in St. Petersburg was the division into "old", "monkeys" and "roosters". The first and only edition where the "blue eye" told about the friendship between Trotsky and Lenin, their joint struggle against Plekhanov in London. In the application "What do you like from literature" it becomes clear that the leader did not understand modern art, read Turgenev, Tolstoy, and most of all "What to do". In the theatre he was sad, in the memory he could only quote the pathetic lines of Demyan Bedny: "Never, never, Communards will not be slaves." Mayakovsky irritated him, although "Prozasedavshiesya", considered useful to the revolution. Gleb Krzhizhanovsky: "Vladimir Ilyich could find more beautiful woman, so my zine was pretty, but smarter, even more devoted than Nadezhda, we didn't have anyone..."In the next edition of "Memories" 1932 no friendship with Trotsky in London did not happen.