Leilão 119 часть 1
Por The Arc
Moscow, Rússia
Всякая всячина для коллекционеров и любителей: автографы, книги, газеты, журналы, графика, плакаты, ДПИ.
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LOTE 128:

Moscow old. Photo album. + 2 videos. Architectural monuments of old Moscow, Art treasures of Moscow museums.

Preço inicial:
3 000 р
Comissão da leiloeira: 15% Mais detalhes
12.11.22 em The Arc
identificações: Livros

Moscow old. Photo album. + 2 videos. Architectural monuments of old Moscow, Art treasures of Moscow museums.
M. Planet. 1997 272 p. Case, hard dust jacket cover, 26 x 34.5 cm. Tear dust jacket.

Views of Moscow in ancient drawings, engravings, paintings, photographs before 1900