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Moscow. Naberezhnaya Tarasa Shevchenko, d. 3, Rusia
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Literary and artistic collection. Poems by students of the Imperial S. P. B. University and drawings of the ...

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Literary and artistic collection. Poems by students of the Imperial S. P. B. University and drawings of the Imperial Academy of Arts.
Saint Petersburg. Type: A. S. Suvorin. 1903 XXII, 119 p., ill. Hardcover, 15.5 x 23 cm. Not complete condition.

Among the poems of students — the first speech in print by Alexander Blok (published three poems). Among the art students there is a surname bilibina.

In September 1901, a small friendly literary circle of students of Saint Petersburg University and the Academy of ARTS decided to publish a separate collection of poems and illustrations made by members of the circle. It was in this literary and artistic collection that Alexander Blok made his poetic debut, publishing three of his poems: «Early hour. In the way of the invisible...", "the more painful the soul of the rebel...", "Quietly clear days have come". The first of these poems, which opened the poetic work of A. A. Blok to the General public, is decorated with an elegant screensaver based on the figure of D. F. Bogoslovsky. Artistic editing of the publication was undertaken by I. E. Repin. Among the illustrators of the collection were I. Bilibin, I. S. Goryushkin-Sorokopudov, E. E. Lissner, A. N. Tretyakov and other artists, Pets of the Academy of arts. Their works of poetry collection were preceded by art screensavers. The literary part of the collection also featured a variety of authors. In addition to A. A. Blok, Ignatius Leontievich Varshavsky, a well — known lawyer, son of the Director of the Board of the Tsarskoye Selo railway, Leon Abramovich Varshavsky, made his debut on the pages of the collection. He published two poems: "In the open sea", (decorated with a screen saver by D. F. Bogoslovsky) and "Without a rudder". In 1927, a collection of stories by S. Gorny "Everything happened" was published in Berlin, several stories from this collection are dedicated to the Tsarskoye Selo Nikolayev gymnasium and his former classmates. Among the students of the class, Sergei Gorny recalled Ignatius Varshavsky: "there Was also a plump, wadded-up Varshavsky. So rounded and wrapped in a castor cloth jacket and trousers that it all wanted to touch." Fellow Student I. L. Valentin Innokentievich Annensky (alias Krivich; 1880-1936), the son of the poet Innokenty Fedorovich Annensky, also contributed his poems to this collection. Compared with his colleagues in the shop, V. I. Annensky was an "experienced" writer. His literary debut was the publication of the poem "Decadent" in the Wolf's Literary evenings, which he wrote in 1898....