Leilão 186
Por Sovcom
МОСКВА, УЛ. ЩЕПКИНА, Д. 28, Rússia
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LOTE 49:

Razdrogin Igor Aleksandrovich
Temple Square.

Preço inicial:
30 000 р
Preço estimado :
30 000p - 60 000p
Comissão da leiloeira: 17% Mais detalhes
2.7.24 em Sovcom

Temple Square.
Year: 1974.
Technique: Watercolor on paper.
Size: 36х48.

Razdrogin Igor Aleksandrovich (born in 1923, Petrograd - 2018).

Honored artist of the Russia. Honored worker of arts of the RF. Professor of the Academy of Arts. In 1952 graduated from I.E. Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, in 1955 – post-graduate course (B.V. Ioganson workshop). Member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation since 1953. Personal exhibition took place in Seoul in 2000. The works of the artist are exhibited in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian State Museum, the Museum of history of St. Petersburg, in many regional museums, as well as in private collections in Russia and abroad.