Netsukes September
Sep 30, 2021
Carrer del Rosselló, nº229, 08008 Barcelona (Spain)

The auction has ended

LOT 39:

Netsuke japonés siglo XIX. Periodo Meiji. Sin firmar. En marfil de elefante tallado ...

Start price:
Buyer's Premium: 19%
VAT: 21% On commission only

Netsuke japonés siglo XIX. Periodo Meiji. Sin firmar. En marfil de elefante tallado representando a un sabio, posiblemente Jurojin, portando un pergamino, 55x 33x 22 mm. 34,56 gr. Espécimen en marfil de elefante anterior al 1 de Julio de 1947, conforme al reglamento CE 338/97 de 9/12/1996, artículo 2w. A 19th century Japanese netsuke from Meiji period. Not signed. In carved elephant ivory portraying a wiseman, possibly Jurojin. holding a scroll with both hands, 55x33x22 mm. 34,56 gr. Elephant ivory specimen previous to 7/1/1947, as stated by the regulations CE 338/97 of 12/9/1996, article 2w.