Raymer Society Consignment Art Auction
Por Raymer Society
212 S. Main st Lindsborg, KS 67456, Estados Unidos
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LOTE 28:

Raymer, Lester - glazed tile, good condition,

Vendido por: $500
Preço inicial:
$ 200
Preço estimado :
$800 - $1 200
Comissão da leiloeira: 10% Mais detalhes
IVA: 9.5% Sobre a comissão apenas
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29.8.20 em Raymer Society

Raymer, Lester - glazed tile, good condition,
Harlequin with 2 horses, by Lester Raymer, is a glazed tile in good condition measuring 7.75x7.75x1. Lester Raymer, born in Alva OK Sept 24, 1907, died in Lindsborg June 1, 1991. Painter, spec. religious images, circus, roosters, printmaker, sculptor and craftsman. He studied at the Art Institute of Chicago under Boris Anisfeld and Helen Gardner, where he earned a BFA and at the Univ of New Mexico. Moved to Lindsborg in the 1940s. Taught at Bethany College, Lindsborg, from 1946-47 but primarily devoted his life to working as a studio artist at the Red Barn Studio in Lindsborg.
Condition: good