Raymer Society Consignment Art Auction
Por Raymer Society
212 S. Main st Lindsborg, KS 67456, Estados Unidos
Fine arts and crafts, paintings, ceramics, lithographs, linoleum and wood cut prints, woodcarvings, black Native American pottery, sculpture, Lester Raymer, Birger Sandzen, mono prints, mid-century modern art,

LOTE 36:

Runbeck, Lucile Almgren (1898-1994) ceramic, standing woman

Vendido por: $35
Preço inicial:
$ 25
Preço estimado :
$25 - $50
Comissão da leiloeira: 10% Mais detalhes
IVA: 9.5% Sobre o preço e comissão do lote inteiro
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29.4.23 em Raymer Society

Runbeck, Lucile Almgren (1898-1994) ceramic, standing woman
Lucile Almgren Runbeck (1921-?) ceramic, standing woman, signed on bottom, good condition, 10x3.75x3 inches. Painter. Ceramist. Studied at the University of Kansas, Lawrence. Lived in Topeka. Studied with Birger Sandzén. Instructor of public school art at Washburn College, Topeka in 1927.
Condition: good no chips or cracks
Dimensions: 10 x 3.75 x 3 in
Weight: 3.85 lb