Leilão 24 Parte 2
Por Raskolnikov Gallery
Санкт-Петербург, Новгородская ул, 23., Rússia
Alexander Alkhovsky, Victoria Belakovskaya, Dmitry Belyaev, Vasily Borisenko, Semyon Bely, Nikolai Boganov, Boris Borshch, Zlata Byzova, Leonid Vaishlya, Vladimir Vetrogonsky, Georgy Vetutnev, Alexander Volkov, Mikhlya Galkina-Borukhovich, Anatoly Getmansky, Mitrofan Grekov, Sergey Dorovenko, Mikhail Edomsky, Boris Edunov, Alexei Eremin, Alexander Zadorin, Vladimir Konashevich, Alexei Kravtsov, Vladimir Kranz, Fedor Krushelnitsky, Lada-Maria Kushakova, Sergei Lyakhovich, Oleg Manyukov, Vera Matyukh, Ivan Matvienko, Artur Molev, Alexander Nekrasov, Yuri Pavlov, Veniamin Pinchuk, Yuri Podlyasky, Alexander Savatyugin, Valentina Savelyeva, Khamid Savkuev, Elena Skuin, Vitold Smukrovich, Besik Solomonoshvili, Lev Solodkov, Yulia Sopina, Yuri Syrnev, GAV Traugot, Mikhail Trufanov, Nikolai Tyrsa, Albert Charkin, Vadim Stein, Elena Yanson -Manizer.
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LOTE 199:

(2004, People's Artist of Russia) Savkuev Khamid (1964). Achilles, 2004, 80x90, oil on canvas, signature of the ...

Preço inicial:
850 000 p
Comissão da leiloeira: 17% Mais detalhes
20.4.22 em Raskolnikov Gallery

(2004, People's Artist of Russia) Savkuev Khamid (1964). Achilles, 2004, 80x90, oil on canvas, signature of the author in the lower right corner.


Khamid Vladimirovich Savkuev.

People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Graduated with honors from St. Petersburg State Institute of Civil Aviation named after Repin (1995), workshop of A. Mylnikov (1998). Currently Associate Professor of the Department of Painting and Composition, head of the personal training workshop of the Institute. Repin. Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts (2018). Personal exhibitions: Russia, Spain, Holland, USA, Switzerland, China, etc.