Аукцион 14 Passover sale! Dozens of rare Haggadot, and valuable Items
от Rarity Auction House
17 Perlman Dr. Suite 204 Spring Valley NY 10977, Соединенные Штаты

לכבוד חג הפסח הבא, אנחנו מוגשים לפניכם מכירה היסטורי, על עשרות הגדות נדירים, ואוסף גדול של ספרים שנדפס בסלאוויטא וזיטאמיר.

חפצי קודש שהשתמש בהם גדולי אדמורי"ם ורבנים

ספרים עתיקים ונדירים שלא היה מעולם על בתי מכירות!

קחו ברכה אל תוך בתיכם!

Request to Dear Buyers: You can send requests to receive photos and video from the items, please call before bidding. It is not possible to delete bid, and return the items after the sale

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ЛОТ 72:

Rokeach HaGadol by Rabbi Eliezer of Worms, Brought to Print at the Instruction of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Av Beit ...

Продан за: $650
Стартовая цена:
$ 200
Комиссия аукционного дома: 22%
Аукцион проходил 6.4.22 в Rarity Auction House

Rokeach HaGadol by Rabbi Eliezer of Worms, Brought to Print at the Instruction of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Av Beit Din of Berdichev, Zolkiew, 1806

Sefer HaRokeach which was first printed in Fano in 1505, by Rabbi Eliezer son of Rabbi Yehuda of Worms, one of the Tosefists.

Unique Features: The book contains all of the laws a person needs for the entire year in a concise style. It includes the laws of festivals and repentance, prayer and blessings, marital relations, issur v'heter and more. On the title page, it is noted that the book was printed at the command of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev, as the publisher writes in his foreword: "And I owe many thanks and I will cherish with all my heart to his honor the famous gaon and chassid, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev, who, when seeing that this honorable book had ceased to exist after many years in which it was not printed, and it is extremely rare and many people don't know of it ... he arose to awaken the hearts of men, to bring it to print ..."

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