Auction 15 Ancient and rare books, Hasidic books, Zhitomer and Slavita, letters of Admorim and rabbis.
By Prime Judaica
Mar 1, 2023
30 9th Street, Lakewood NJ 08701, USA, United States
ספרים עתיקים ונדירים, ספרי חסידות, זיטאמיר וסלאוויטא, מכתבי אדמורי"ם ורבנים.
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LOT 16:

Simlas Binyamin (Nachalas Binyamin section), R' Wolf Homburg, Furth 1841, First edition.

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Start price:
$ 50
Buyer's Premium: 25%
Auction took place on Mar 1, 2023 at Prime Judaica

Simlas Binyamin (Nachalas Binyamin section), R' Wolf Homburg, Furth 1841, First edition.

חתימת רבי יוסף משה בן ר' אהרן, רב אהרנסאן, רב ניו יורק בעל מטעי משה.

Rabbi Avraham Binyamin Ze’ev (Wolf) Hamburger (1770-1850), a disciple of Rabbi Meshulam Zalman HaCohen – the Rabbi and Rosh Yeshiva of Fuerth, who appointed him his successor in 1799. Whilst other Yeshivos in Germany were closing down due to the spread of the Reform movement and the lure of secular studies, Reb Wolf Hamburger headed the last traditional Yeshiva of his era, withstanding government attempts to introduce secular studies as part of the curriculum. Author of Shaar Hazekeinim and Simlas Binyamin.

Library stamps of Rav Ruderman and Rav Weinberg, Roshe Yeshiva of ner Yisroel in Baltimore.

Pages: [2] 123 [2]

Size: 23 cm

Condition: Very fine condition, loose cover.

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