Auction 8
By Prime Judaica
Nov 22, 2021
30 9th Street, Lakewood NJ 08701, USA, United States
The auction has ended

LOT 7:

Amudai Bais Yehuda, Amsterdam 1766, with the rare pages.
Amudei Beit Yehuda , articles and studies ...

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Start price:
$ 140
Buyer's Premium: 20%
Auction took place on Nov 22, 2021 at Prime Judaica

Amudai Bais Yehuda, Amsterdam 1766, with the rare pages.

Amudei Beit Yehuda , articles and studies of Chazal sayings and the basic tenets of faith ["Messiah and resurrection of the dead… the 13 principles of faith… the hidden sayings of Rabba bar bar Chana"], by Rabbi Yehuda Leib Horwitz of Vilna. Amsterdam, [1766].
On the reverse side of the title page is an illustration of a building with pillars (symbolizing the name of the book) and a frame with the signature of the printer R' Leib Zusmensh. The section that deals with the 13 principles has a special title page: "The paradise of the believer which I have planted from the fruit tree of Rabbi Moshe bar Maimin [!]". (With the illustration of a tree).

Includes the 4 leaves of index and poems which were added to some copies at the beginning of the book and to some at the end.

Pages: 5, 3, 100, 4.
Size: 18.5 cm.
Condition: Over all very fine condition, the first few pages have a worm hole, loose and detached original binding.

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