Sefer Bechinat Olam - with Bakashat Ha'Memin - First Edition, Pereira, 1551 - Glosses.
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Sefer Bechinat Olam - with Bakashat Ha'Memin - First Edition, Pereira, 1551 - Glosses.
Sefer Bechinat Olam, Songs of Morality and Philosophy, by Rabbi Yedaya HaPenini - the Beidrashi ben Avraham. Pereira, 1551. The French edition of Samuel N. Ashkra, first edition with commentaries by Rabbi Moshe Even-Haviv, and commentary of Bakashat Ha-Memin by Rabbi Yosef Francish.
A morality book speaks figurativly about the affairs of this world and the matters that bring man to life in the World to Come. Bakashat Ha'Memin that appears in the book is written in the form of a poem whose entire words begin with the letter "m" and hence its name.
The author: Rabbi Yedaya ben Avraham HaPenini [also known as Rabbi Yedaya the Badrashi] (1270-1340) was a Jewish physician and poet philosopher. Born in Beziers, Provence, he moved to Barcelona, Spain. His name is Pnini after the city of Perpinian where he lived.
Was apparently a disciple of Maimonides and his philosophical approach even during a time when they were still in serious dispute. In the wake of the Rashba's boycott of the study of philosophy under the age of 25 he wrote the letter of apology, which teaches the right to practice philosophy [Printed in responsa of the Rashba, part 1, section 418].
The book contains a number of ancient handwritten glosses.
Missing copy: Before us, 12 - 122, 12 leaves. Missing title page, until page 11 [inclusive] and last page. [Original: 122, 13 leaves].
Good condition. Moth damage in several places. Stains.