Asta 166 Prints & Multiples
Da Matsart
21 King David St. Jerusalem, Israele

Impressionist, Modern & Contemporary fine art prints and multiples, lithographs, etchings, ceramics, photographs and sculptures.

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Joan Miro
1893-1983 (Spanish)

Venduto per: $220
Prezzo stimato :
$ 200 - $250
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23% Altri dettagli
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
Gli utenti stranieri potrebbero essere esentati dal pagamento delle tasse, secondo il regime fiscale vigente.
27.6.18 in Matsart

1893-1983 (Spanish)
Untitled. Lithograph printed by the artist at Mourlot before the series of lithographs in this series as a trial. Limited edition of 100 not signed and in different size than the later published edition. Documented in the book on the Mourlot lithographs as an early edition.
lithograph printed by the artist at Mourlot, Paris
h:36 w:27 cm.

Literature: Miro, J.; M. Leiris; F. Mourlot (eds.) Joan Miro, Lithographs, vol.I, New York: Tudor Publishing Company, 1972.

Other Notes: Location: Israel.
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