Leilão 27 Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
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LOTE 54:

Composition Shivrei Luchot by Rabbi Menachem Azarya of Pano – Safed, 1864

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6.11.12 em Kedem

Composition Shivrei Luchot by Rabbi Menachem Azarya of Pano – Safed, 1864
Composition Shivrei Luchot, by Rabbi Menachem Azarya (the Rama) of Pano. With: the ruling "Yemin Hashem Romema" by the Rama of Pano, and homiletic by Rabbi Shlomo Alkabetz. Safed, 1864. First edition.
Composition Shivrei Luchot is the tenth composition of the Rama's work “Asara Ma'amarot” [in the book “Asara Ma'amarot” (Venice 1597) only three compositions were printed. Other compositions were printed separately at various times]. This composition was first printed from "a very old manuscript" owned by Rabbi Shmuel Heller Rabbi of Safed who published the book.
Before the ruling "Yemin Hashem Romema" there is an introduction by Rabbi Shmuel Heller. On the last page: "From the manuscript of Rabbi Chaim Vital… and this is what it says: I found a manuscript by my Teacher [Rabbi Yitchak Luria]…".
Stamps of Rabbi Yoel Kluft, Tel Aviv, Eretz Yisrael.
[1], 21 leaves. 18.5 cm. Good condition, stains, slight moth holes. New binding.