Leilão 36 Objects: Judaica, Israeliana, Numismatics and Medals
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8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
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Fragments of Two Ketubot which served as Book Bindings, 18th century

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26.2.14 em Kedem

Fragments of Two Ketubot which served as Book Bindings, 18th century
Fragments of two illuminated Ketubot which served as book bindings:
1. Fragment of an Italian Ketubah. [Mantua?], mid 18th cent., probably Heshvan 1755. Script and illustrations are very faded; reverse side of the Ketubah served as a book binding. Remnants of colorful illuminations – flowers and geometric designs into which the verses of "Eshet Chayil" are integrated – first letters of some of the words, not complete words, appear throughout the text. 35X50 cm. Poor condition. Tears (some glued), folding marks and stains.
2. Fragment of a Ketubah on parchment. [Europe? 18th cent.]. Upper right part of the Ketubah only. Title of book, for which the Ketubah served as a binding, appears on the spine, "Sefer Shem Tov Katan", a (Kabbalistic) prayer book several editions of which have been printed in Zholkiev in the 18th cent. 28X19.5 cm. Fair-poor condition. Stains, tears. Folded