Leilão 46 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
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LOTE 380:

Archive of Rabbi Lerner of Altona

Vendido por: $500
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$ 500
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7.7.15 em Kedem

Archive of Rabbi Lerner of Altona
Archive of Rabbi Meir Lerner – Chief Rabbi of Altona (Germany).
Many letters and documents. Including many letters sent to Rabbi Lerner during 1904-1906, from Altona, Switzerland, the USA and other places. Letters, documents and publications from Orthodox Jewish institutes in Germany, from newspaper editorial staffs, Jewish bookshops and printers, etc. Most of the letters and leaves are in German, a few are in Hebrew.
Rabbi Dr. Meir Lerner (1857-1930). Rabbi of Windheim (Alsace) and London, from 1894 became Av Beit Din and Chief Rabbi of Altona (Germany). Founded the Moriah association (which later joined Agudat Yisrael). Authored Hadar HaCarmel response, etc.
More than 100 paper items, in a binder. Varied size and condition.