Leilão 46 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
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Arpilei Tohar, by Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook – Jaffa, 1914 – Suppressed Edition

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7.7.15 em Kedem

Arpilei Tohar, by Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook – Jaffa, 1914 – Suppressed Edition
Arpilei Tohar, short inscriptions of holy emotions, by Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook. [Jaffa, 1914. Printed by A. Ittin].
this book was canceled by the author in the middle of printing. Only Pages 1-80 were printed, no title page. On the 29th of Iyar 1914, Rabbi Kook wrote to his son, Rabbi Zvi Yehuda about the printing of this book and its content: "…I was overtaken by a yearning to print some of my writings, as they are, and I have begun to print [them] by Ittin titled Arpelei Tohar, several sheets…I hope that the thoughts will be blessed as they are without arrangement, perhaps their success will stand out precisely because the lack of arrangement…". (Igrot HaRa'ayah, Vol. 2, Jerusalem 1946, pp. 292-293, Siman 687). He wrote another letter to his son Rabbi Zvi Yehuda, on the 21st of Sivan 1914, in response to editing notes sent by his son: "…I sometimes correct the language as much as I can, but I have not yet attempted to omit things, perhaps I have not yet come across this type…". (Igrot HaRa'ayah, Vol. 2, p. 277, Siman 693).
this book is one of the first works written by Rabbi Kook, about G-d's service and the revival of the Jewish People in the days of Ikvete D'Meshicha (preceding the coming of the Messiah), which is awakening Jews, even those who are still far from the Jewish religion. the thoughts within are compatible with the next books authored by the Rabbi, in which he gave public expression to the depth of his thoughts and to his churning spirit. this book was printed by a spontaneous decision; apparently, the letter indicates that this decision was not final. Some say that Rabbi Kook sent the sheets to a few of his close disciples and friends and after hearing their opinion, the book was canceled. the main opposition came from his son, Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook, who was aware of the hidden meaning of these writings and of the public polemic which was liable to arise due to his father's supportive attitude towards the national revival movement.
A.M. Haberman, in his list of books which were not completed at printing (HaKol Talui B’Mazal Afilu Sefer, Areshet, Vol. 3, 1961, p. 126, no. 88), writes: “this book contains matters of mussar and holiness, and the printing was apparently interrupted because the generation did not merit the things written therein”. Indeed, the book did not merit reprinting until 1983, when it was published by Machon HaRatzia, in a new revised edition [censored and with additions).
80 pages, 22.5 cm. Fair condition, wear and detached leaves. Few worm holes to last leaves. Torn Bristol binding.
Rare! A book canceled in mid-printing.