Auction 51 Part I - Books Chassidism Manuscripts Rabbinical Letters
By Kedem
Jul 11, 2016
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
The auction has ended

LOT 216:

Collection of Yemenite Manuscripts

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Sold for: $1,500
Start price:
$ 1,000
Buyer's Premium: 23%
VAT: 18% On commission only
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Auction took place on Jul 11, 2016 at Kedem

Collection of Yemenite Manuscripts
Collection of Yemenite manuscripts:
1. Manuscript, Mishnayot with the Kaf Nachat commentary. [Yemen, 19th/20th century]. Tractate Nezikin and part of Seder Kodshim: The manuscript begins with Tractate Bava Kama (lacking first leaves), and ends at Chapter 4 of Tractate Chulin.
2-3. Two manuscripts of Haftarot. Fine-looking square Yemenite writing, vowelized. [Yemen, 19th/20th century].
4. Manuscript, Haftarot for the entire year. [Yemen, beginning of 20th century].
5. Manuscript, hymns and piyyutim in Judeo-Arabic. [Yemen, 19th century].
6. Manuscript, Mipi Chachamim, explanations of laws and customs at various times [by Rabbi Avraham son of R' David HaLevi of Tzala. [Yemen, beginning of 20th century].
7. Manuscript, piyyutim. Square Yemenite writing. [Yemen, 19th/20th century].
Seven manuscripts. Hundreds of leaves. Size and condition vary.

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