Subasta 019 Online Auction 19 – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture
Por Kedem
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
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ollection of Delegate's Tickets and Entrance Tickets to the Zionist Congresses – the 12th, 13th and 22nd Zionist ...

Precio inicial:
$ 200
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 25%
IVA: 17% IVA sólo en comisión
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4.6.19 en Kedem

ollection of Delegate's Tickets and Entrance Tickets to the Zionist Congresses – the 12th, 13th and 22nd Zionist Congresses – Karlsbad and Basel, 1921-1946
Seven delegate's tickets and entrance tickets to the Zionist Congresses (printed cards with details filled in by hand, signatures, stamps and postage stamps):
1-3. Three tickets from the 12th Zionist Congress in Karlsbad, 1921: * "Legitimationskarte", participant card. Given to Menachem Gelehrter of Jaffa. German and Czech. * Entrance ticket to the Congress, in the name of A. Hantke (Arthur Menachem Hantke). Hebrew, English and German. * Delegate's Ticket to the Congress. Hebrew, English and German.
4-6. Three participant tickets for the 13th Zionist Congress in Karlsbad, 1923. Given to Arthur Hantke, Menachem Gelehrter and Avraham Schwadron. Hebrew, English and German.
7. Guest ticket for a journalist from the 22nd Zionist Congress in Basel, 1946. Hebrew and English.
Size and condition vary. Overall good condition. Stains. One ticket has small tears along edges and one missing corner.