Leilão 65 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
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LOTE 335:

Interesting Letter Regarding the State of Israel in its Early Years - Rebbe Shalom Moshkovitz of Shotz, Addressed ...

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12.3.19 em Kedem

Interesting Letter Regarding the State of Israel in its Early Years - Rebbe Shalom Moshkovitz of Shotz, Addressed to the Agudist Minister - Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Levin - With R. Levin's Response
Letter handwritten by Rebbe Shalom Moshkovitz of Shotz, addressed to the "the rabbi and minister of distinguished lineage" R. Yitzchak (Itche) Meir Levin - head of Agudat Yisrael and first Orthodox minister in the State of Israel. [London, 1950]. Interesting letter concerning religion and state in the first years of the founding of the State of Israel. The rebbe writes to R. Levin that he sent him a booklet he published. Presumably, the rebbe is referring to the polemic booklet he published "Open Letter - to the Government of the State of Israel" (London, 1950), in which he invokes the leaders of the State to allow Orthodox Jews and Torah institutions to follow their own path. The Rebbe writes ironically, that he knows that even after Ben Gurion reads the booklet, he will continue cutting his nails on Rosh Chodesh and eating two cooked items at the final meal of Tisha B'Av eve, yet he nevertheless sent the booklet to all ministers and Knesset members, "perhaps one of them will mention during a Knesset sitting 'see what they say about us abroad', and that will make my work worthwhile…". The Rebbe further requests: "Please inform me what was concluded in America in your regard…". At the foot of the letter, R. Levin wrote instructions to his secretary for his response to the rebbe: "Write that I did not receive the booklet. In America, 90% support me. We have an issue with the camps, with the religious children of immigrants - if we are not successful, we will be compelled to resign from the government…". Rebbe Shalom Moskovitz of Shotz (1877-1958), scion of the holy Rebbe Michel of Zlotchov and R. Meir of Premishlan and foremost rebbe in the previous generation. An outstanding erudite in all realms of Torah and noted halachic authority, he was ordained in his youth by the Maharsham of Berezhany and even remained in the latter's home for nine months to observe him in practice. A holy kabbalist, he served G-d with utter devotion and was renowned for the wonders he effected with his awesome prayers, just like a child begging his father. A disciple of the Rebbe of Shineva and the Rebbes of Belz. He served as rabbi of Shotz (Suceava) from 1903 and was the teacher of R. Meir Shapira of Lublin, initiator of the Daf HaYomi. From 1927, he served a Rebbe in London. He authored many books on the Talmud and on the Torah, on Chassidism and other topics. He earned a widespread reputation for his greatness and holiness and was revered by the foremost rebbes of his generation. His diligence was exceptional, he would study Torah for many hours, interrupting only to eat or perform a Mitzva. He nonetheless conducted an open house in London, and people from all sects and ranks of society came to receive his blessing, counsel and ruling. In his will, he pledged to arouse Heavenly mercy on whoever would visit his gravesite, light two candles in memory of his soul, and undertake to strengthen himself in a mitzva or in Torah study (at his behest, this promise was printed on the structure over his grave in three languages: Hebrew, Yiddish and English). Aerogram (double leaf). 20 cm. Good-fair condition. Foxing. Filing holes. Tears and wear.