Leilão 65 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
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LOTE 334:

Letter Handwritten and Signed by Rebbe Itzikel Pshevorsk - Request of a Blessing from the Rebbe of Satmar - ...

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12.3.19 em Kedem

Letter Handwritten and Signed by Rebbe Itzikel Pshevorsk - Request of a Blessing from the Rebbe of Satmar - Blessings for a Good Year
Letter (approx. 15 lines) handwritten and signed by Rebbe Moshe Yitzchak (R. Itzikel) Gewirtzman of Pshevorsk. Antwerp, [1964]. The letter is addressed to "the pious, astute and renowned rabbi, of holy descent, R. Efraim Yosef Dov, attendant" - R. Efraim Yosef Dov Ashkenazi, assistant and confidant of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar. In his letter, Rebbe Itzikel requests he be mentioned for blessing before the Rebbe of Satmar, since he suffers from an illness in his foot, and he extends his blessings to the Rebbe and his attendant for a good year and other blessings. The Rebbe of Pshevorsk signs his name at the end of the letter as in a kvittel, with the name of his mother: "Moshe Yitzchak son of Chana Breindel, grandson of the leader of the entire Jewish people R. Elimelech, may his merit protect us and the entire Jewish nation". R. Moshe Yitzchak Gewirtzman - known as R. Itzikel of Pshevorsk (1882 - Yom Kippur 1975), descendant of R. Elimelech of Lizhensk (fifth generation), a staunch follower of Rebbe Yechezkel of Shineva and his son the Divrei Simcha of Cieszanów. He served as Rebbe in Pshevorsk (Przeworsk), and after the Holocaust which he spent exiled in Siberia, he returned through Poland and France and settled in Antwerp, Belgium. He was renowned for his awe-inspiring holiness, practicing exceptional asceticism and self-denial (for decades, he never rested his feet on his bed, sleeping in a sitting position). He followed the ways of his ancestor the Noam Elimelech, who combined his attachment to G-d with lovingkindness for his fellow Jews, procuring charity and salvation for one and all. Thousands would flock to his court in quest of his counsel, or for his prayers on behalf of members of the Jewish people enduring illness or other misfortunes. He was also renowned for the acts of kindness he engaged in personally, distributing donations to destitute Jews throughout the world. The recipient of the letter, R. Efraim Yosef Dov Ashkenazi (1914-2002), close attendant and household member of the Rebbe of Satmar for some sixty years and his prime assistant in all matters. R. Yosef Ashkenazi was himself a holy man, eminent in Chassidut and fear of G-d, and an outstanding Torah scholar. He edited and published the Satmar Rebbe's books on Halacha and Aggada. R. Yosef accompanied the Rebbe on his escape in the famous Kastner Train which was diverted to Bergen-Belsen, wandering with the Rebbe through Switzerland and Italy following their release from the camp, before finally reaching the United States with him. Official postcard of the Rebbe. 15 cm. Good condition. Folding mark to top of postcard.