Leilão 65 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
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LOTE 328:

Three Letters from Rebbe Baruch Hager of Seret-Vizhnitz - Haifa, 1951-1957

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12.3.19 em Kedem

Three Letters from Rebbe Baruch Hager of Seret-Vizhnitz - Haifa, 1951-1957
Three letters handwritten and signed by Rebbe Baruch Hager of Seret-Vizhnitz and Haifa: • Letter of recommendation to assist a man wishing to live near Haifa. The Rebbe implores on behalf of this person, as if it were for himself: "…and you are literally doing me a personal favor. He is an elevated and G-d fearing person. I hope you will do whatever you are able. Your friend Baruch". Haifa, Adar I 1951. • Letter to the Gaon of Turda R. Yosef Adler - congratulations for his daughter's wedding: "…may his honor merit to see from her and from all his descendants blessed, upright and learned generations, as is fitting for his honor and his holy ancestors, and may we all merit to rejoice upon the holy land with the coming of the true redeemer, to hear and inform only good tidings… Baruch son of R. Y.". Haifa, Tammuz 1953. • Letter of Torah thoughts, addressed to R. Naftali HaKohen. The Rebbe concludes the letter with blessings: "May G-d lengthen his years in good health, to serve G-d in contentment and tranquility. His friend… who awaits Heavenly mercy. Baruch son of R. Y.". Ramat Vizhnitz, Haifa, Tevet 1957. Rebbe Baruch Hager of Seret-Vizhnitz (1895-1963) was the fourth son of the Ahavat Yisrael of Vizhnitz. He was granted rabbinical ordination by R. Meir Arik and R. Avraham Menachem Steinberg of Brody, and served in the rabbinate from 1923. In 1936, he was appointed Rebbe in Seret (Siret). In 1947, he immigrated to Haifa, where he reestablished his Beit Midrash and community institutions, which exist until this day in Haifa and other cities. Over the years, he formed the Ramat Vizhnitz neighborhood in Haifa. A member of the Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah of Agudat Yisrael. Three letters, official stationery. 22-18.5 cm. Varying condition, good to good-fair. Creases, ink stains and traces of past dampness.