Leilão 82 Parte 1 Judaica – Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial
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Ner Mitzvah V'Torah Or - Kopust, 1820 - First Edition

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24.8.21 em Kedem

Ner Mitzvah V'Torah Or - Kopust, 1820 - First Edition
Ner Mitzvah V'Torah Or, principles of the Chabad doctrine, by Rebbe Dov Ber, the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch. Kopust (Kopys): R. Yisrael Yoffe, prominent disciple of the Baal HaTanya, 1820. First edition.
The book comprises two parts. The first part is entitled Shaar HaEmuna, and discusses the topics of the Exodus from Egypt, the eating of Matzah and the Splitting of the Sea. The second part, named Shaar HaYichud, contains a concise explanation of the kabbalistic notions of Hishtalshelut HaOlamot and Sefirot.
4, [7], 133, [1]; 57 leaves. 16 cm. Bluish paper. Fair condition. Stains and minor wear. Open tears, including marginal tears to title page and tears to final leaf, repaired with paper. Worming, affecting text. Leaves trimmed with damage to headings. Handwritten inscriptions. New binding.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 395.