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LOTE 403:

Large Hassidic Collection – Some Extremely Rare Items

Vendido por: $225
Precio inicial:
$ 200
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 20%
IVA: 18% IVA sólo en comisión
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Large Hassidic Collection – Some Extremely Rare Items
Sefer Afar Ya'akov, Breslov 1839. With the approbation by Rabbi Yisrael of Shklov. Inside the book [on leaves 30-31], a halachic responsum by the Rebbe author of the Bat Ayin of Safed. A rare, important book.
Sefer Yere'im. Zholkva, 1804. With approbations by the most prominent Rebbes and a list of subscribers which contains names of many well-known rabbis and rebbes.
Tehor Ra'ayonim on the Torah by Rabbi Yom Tov Netil, Av Beit Din of Czchów, disciple of the Seer of Lublin. Warsaw, 1900. First edition. Rare.
Sefer Zchuta De'Avaraham by Rabbi Avraham of Ciechanów. Warsaw 1895. First edition. Nice copy.
Sefer Mevaser Tzeddek, by Rabbi Shabtai of Kopys. Warsaw, 1900. Attached to it is the book Kad Ha'Kemach, by the author of Arvei Nachal. Przemyśl, 1899. First edition.
Sefer Ma'agalei Tzeddek on the Torah, section B, by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Panet. Munkatch, 1884. First edition. Ownership inscriptions an signatures.
Three sections of the book Tzemach Tsaddik. Tschernowitz, 1885-1892. Rabbinical stamps. The title page of section A is missing.
Sefer Irin Kadishin, Warsaw. Stamps of the Rebbe Rabbi Avraham Yissachar Engelard.
Sefer Yalkut Sipurim. Bound with Sefer Sipurei Ma'asiyot in Yiddish by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. Lemberg, 1902. Ownership inscription of Matityahu Schweig.
Sefer Dvash ha'Sadeh. Warsaw. Signature of Aharon Yehoshua [?].
Meshivat Nafesh, Breslov. Translated for the first time into Yiddish by Rabbi Ya'akov Yitzchak Cantor of Krakow. Warsaw, 1930.
Sefer Mishnat Chachamim, sayings of the Rebbes of Karlin and Stolin. With glosses and comments by Rabbi Avraham Elimelech Shapira. Jerusalem, 1934.
Sefer Irin Kadishin by the Rebbes of Ruzhin and Sadigura. Warsaw, 1885. First edition. Two title pages, one of the, golden. Signature of Rabbi Moshe Meir Leifer.
Torat Chaim by Rabbi Chaim of Kasov. Grosswardein, 1927. A copy of te hlibrary of Rabbi Meir Meiri of London.
Sefer Assarah La'Meah, by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch of Viyedislav. Warsaw, 1874.
Shulchan Aruch Ha'rav, Orach Chaim section C. Warsaw, 1873. Signature of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Farmet. On the title page of the book, an interesting inscription. Inside the book, an interesting gloss.
Chessed le'Avraham, by the author of Yessod Ha'Avodah. Jozefow, 1886. First edition.
Be'er Avraham on the Mechilta, by the author of Yessod Ha'Avodah. Warsaw, 1927. First edition.
Varying sizes and conditions.