Urbanizacion El Real del Campanario. E-12, Bajo B 29688 Estepona (Malaga). SPAIN, 西班牙

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VOLTAIRE: (1694-1778) French Enlightenment Writer and Philosopher. Voltaire is a pseudonym, his name being ...

售出价为: €2,500
估计的价格 :
€2,300 - €3,400
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取

VOLTAIRE: (1694-1778) French Enlightenment Writer and Philosopher. Voltaire is a pseudonym, his name being François-Marie Arouet. Voltaire is known for his attacks on Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion and expression, and separation of church and state. Rare L.S., `Voltaire´, two pages, 4to, Colmar, 12th April 1754, to `Reverend Father´, priest of Menoux, in French. Voltaire, quite concerned, states `All this affair, my dear and reverend Father, is a troublesome to me as it as to you. Not only the city of Paris, but the whole Europe has been flooded with letters allegedly written by us. It is very clear, and I say so to you confidentially, that the Jesuit whom I complained about to you, privately, and I would even say in mild terms, did not show your discretion, nor your wisdom and goodness. He should be blamed for being the cause of a very unpleasant scandal. You wouldn't believe how many anonymous letters, how many memoranda I've received on this subject. I burned all the letters, I do not respond to those who write to me anything else that the letters are fakes, and that I respect you and your friendship..´ Voltaire further refers to his own day by day situation saying ` I am cloistered dedicated to the care that my illnesses require, in my loneliness, and in my work which is my release…´, and before concluding states `Your conversation and friendship would for sure make me feel better than all the mineral waters medical treatments of the world. I will bring for you the annals of the Empire, although I fear that this work is quite empty and far from the eloquence you used to describe the way to write about History.´ Small overall minor age wear, otherwise G £2000-3000