Autograph Letters, Manuscripts & Historical Documents
Par International Autograph Auctions
Urbanizacion El Real del Campanario. E-12, Bajo B 29688 Estepona (Malaga). SPAIN, Espagne
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LOT 1378:

[PRIZE OF WAR] : An interesting manuscript document, six pages, folio, Burgos, Spain, 11th ...

Vendu pour: €360
Prix de départ:
Prix estimé :
€400 - €600
Commission de la maison de ventes: 25.5%
TVA: 17% Seulement sur commission

[PRIZE OF WAR] : An interesting manuscript document, six pages, folio, Burgos, Spain, 11th August 1808, addressed to Marshal Bessieres, in French. The document comprises four pages listing the silverware units taken from the belongings of the chiefs of the insurgents as prize of war. The introductory letter signed states `J´ai l´honneur de rendre compte à Votre Excellence par les états ci-joints, de l´opération relative aux prises faites à Palencia sur les chefs des insurgés…´ (Translation: `I have the honor to report to Your Excellency through the attached statements, the operation relating to the captures made in Palencia of the leaders of the insurgents´) The pages describing the silverware are divided in three groups, `Argenterie d´Eglise – Argenterie de tables – Argenterie à l´usage de la chambre´ (Translation `Church silverware – Table silverware – Room silverware´), the lists including multiple items such as `Un calice doré – un tableau représentant la vierge – un bénitier…. Deux soupières, elles sont à double fond et ont des couvercles, 25 plats d´argent, 148 couteaux à manche d´argent… une montre d´argent, 11 paires de boucles d´oreilles, 2 crachoirs…´ (Translation: `A golden chalice – a painting representing the virgin – a holy water font…. Two soup tureens, they have double base and have lids, 25 silver dishes, 148 silver-handled knives... a silver watch, 11 pairs of earrings, 2 spittoons…´) An interesting and cleanly written document showing the reported prize of war during the Peninsular wars. Signed by Martial Daru (1774-1827) Quartermaster of the Imperial Guards in Spain. Very small minor age wear with uneven left edge as a result of its former light binding. G to VG

Jean-Baptiste Bessieres (1768-1813) Marshal of France, Duc d´Istria. Killed in the battle field in Rippach, the day before the battle of Lutzen.

With the outbreak of the Peninsular War in 1808, the year of the present document, Bessières had his first opportunity at independent command. He did well against the Spanish, scoring a crushing victory in the Battle of Medina del Rio Seco, but apparently proved slow and hesitant in command of a large force. Bessieres was thus soon recalled to lead the Guard Cavalry during Napoleon's invasion of Spain.