Autograph Letters, Manuscripts & Historical Documents
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ЛОТ 1306:

NAPOLEON I: (1769-1821) Emperor of the French 1804-14, 1815. An excellent content and fine L.S. ...

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NAPOLEON I: (1769-1821) Emperor of the French 1804-14, 1815. An excellent content and fine L.S., `Nap´, a bold ink signature with paraph, one page, 4to, Saint Cloud, 28th April 1806, to Prince Eugene Beauharnais, in French. Napoleon writes to his adopted son Eugene Beauharnais, expressing openly that he is not fully satisfied with Marshal Marmont´s memoir, and states in part `Mon fils, vous trouverez ci-joint des observations sur le mémoire du Général Marmont dans lequel il y a de bonnes choses, mais il ne remplit pas encore mon but´ (Translation: "My son, you will find attached observations on the memoir of General Marmont in which there are good things, but it does not yet fulfill my goal") Napoleon further refers to the maps he ordered years ago to make, including the banks of rivers in the Venice area and close to Austrian borders, saying `Je désire apprendre qu´on ne perd pas de temps, et que les travaux de Palmanova sont en grande activité. Il y a six ans que j´ai ordonné qu´on levât la carte de Milanais jusqu´à l´Adige. ... faites d´abord lever les bords de l´Isonzo...´ parce que le temps peut venir où nous serons obligés de reprendre les anciennes frontières vénitiennes´ (Translation: "I want to learn that no time is wasted, and that the Palmanova works are in great activity. Six years ago I ordered the Milanese card to be raised up to Adige... first raise the banks of the Isonzo...") Napoleon explains immediately after the reasons of his concerns, and seems to be foreseeing the future Germany military Campaign, fearing the Austrian response now that Prussia is about to sign a coalition treaty with Russia and stating `...parce que le temps peut venir où nous serons obligés de reprendre les anciennes frontières vénitiennes. Faites faire ce travail dans le moins de temps possible, car comme c´est là que se proteraient les premiers coups, il sera bon d´avoir des cartes´ (Translation: "...because the time may come when we will be obliged to take back the old Venetian borders. Get this work done in as little time as possible, because as this is where the first blows will occur, it will be good to have maps...") The present letter is in the hand of Napoleon´s secretary Claude Meneval (1778-1850)

Eugene de Beauharnais (1781-1824) French Prince, son of Josephine de Beauharnais and stepson of Napoleon. Viceroy of Italy 1805-14 and Grand Duke of Frankfurt. Napoleon considered him his adopted son, and used to address his letters to him as "my son". Historians consider him one of Napoleon´s most able relatives.

Auguste Marmont (1774-1852) Marshal of France. Duc de Raguse.