LOS 1139:
PROUST MARCEL: (1871-1922) French Novelist and Essayist. Best known for his major novel A ...
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PROUST MARCEL: (1871-1922) French Novelist and Essayist. Best known for his major novel A la Recherche du Temps Perdu (`In search of Lost Time´). A rare and good A.L.S., `Marcel Proust´, two pages, 8vo, mourning paper, n.p., Saturday 8th, n.d., [to Gabriel Mourey], in French. Proust refers to his translation of Ruskin´s work, stating `J´ai peur qu´il n´y ait un malentendu et que les épreuves des “Trésors des Rois” n´aient été envoyées à une fausse adresse. Comme je n´ai absolument rien reçu et il me semble qu´à pareille date, le mois dernier vous me demandiez de vous renvoyer les épreuves corrigées?´ (Translation: “I am afraid that there might be a misunderstanding and that the proofs of “Of Kings´Treasures” were sent to a wrong address. As I have received absolutely nothing and if I recall well on this date last month you were asking me to send you the corrected proofs?”) Very small repaired tear to the bottom black border, not affecting the text or signature. G
John Ruskin (1819-1900) English Writer and Philosopher, a Polymath of the Victorian era. Author of Of Kings´ Treasures (1865).
Marcel Proust did a translation of Ruskin´s Of Kings´ Treasures into French, entitled Trésors des Rois which will be published in 1905 in the literary magazine Les Arts de la Vie directed by his correspondent Gabriel Mourey