Autograph Letters, Manuscripts & Historical Documents
Par International Autograph Auctions
Urbanizacion El Real del Campanario. E-12, Bajo B 29688 Estepona (Malaga). SPAIN, Espagne
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LOT 1057:

MONDRIAN PIET: (1872-1944) Dutch painter, a pioneer of 20th century abstract art. A good A.L.S. ...

Vendu pour: €2 400
Prix de départ:
2 500
Prix estimé :
€2 500 - €3 500
Commission de la maison de ventes: 25.5%
TVA: 17% Seulement sur commission

MONDRIAN PIET: (1872-1944) Dutch painter, a pioneer of 20th century abstract art. A good A.L.S., P. Mondrian, one page, 4to, n.p., n.d. (c.1925), to [Felix Del Marle] ('Cher Monsieur et Ami'), in French. Mondrian states that he has just received his correspondent's charming letter and continues to write concerning a piece for a magazine, 'L'article est devenu un peu long, vous verez si c'est necessaire de la placer dans deux numeros. Je pense vous l'envoyer la semaine prochaine. Je m'y suis aussi preoccupe du probleme "si le neo-plastico est classique" (comme Van Doesb[urg] a dit dans le dernier "stijl") ou non". C'est egalement la question dont Domela parle. Il balance entre ma conception et celle V.D. mais quand il etait ici, il tint plutot mon cote. Je ne sais pas non plus ce qu'il veut dire avec "Labile" mais je crois que c'est le contraire de "stable", parce que V.D. veut l'opposition a la stabilite de la nature. Enfin vous verez mon opinion dans mon article' (Translation: 'The article has become a little long, you will see if it is necessary to place it in two issues. I plan to send it to you next week. I also worried about the problem "whether neo-plastico is classic" (as Van Doesb[urg] said in the last "stijl") or not". This is also the question that Domela talks about. He balances between my conception and that of V.D. but when he was here, he rather stood by my side. I also don't know what he means with "Labile" but I think it's the opposite of "stable", because V.D. wants opposition to the stability of nature. Finally you will see my opinion in my article'). Mondrian concludes by remarking that he will be happy to see Del Marle and his wife soon and in two postscripts mentions that the Von Doesburg's are still in Holland and will remain there for a few weeks, and that he has recently made a theatre model for a play which he is quite happy about and will show to Del Marle. Rare. VG

Felix Del Marle (1889-1952) French Futurist painter and artistic director of the avant-garde magazine Vouloir.

Theo van Doesburg (1883-1931) Dutch artist who was the founder and leader of the art movement De Stijl, also known as neoplasticism.

Cesar Domela (1900-1992) Dutch sculptor and painter, a key member of the De Stijl movement who worked closely with van Doesburg and Mondrian.