Autograph Letters, Manuscripts & Historical Documents
Par International Autograph Auctions
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LOT 1047:

GAUGUIN PAUL: (1848-1903) French Post-Impressionist painter. A rare and very ...

Vendu pour: €7 200
Prix de départ:
8 000
Prix estimé :
€8 000 - €12 000
Commission de la maison de ventes: 25.5%
TVA: 17% Seulement sur commission

GAUGUIN PAUL: (1848-1903) French Post-Impressionist painter. A rare and very interesting lengthy Autograph Manuscript draft article by Gauguin, four pages, folio, n.p., n.d. [late 1889], in French. The draft article is untiltled, although would later be published as "Huysmans et Redon". Gauguin responds in this article to Huysmans's writing on visual arts, stating in part `Huysmans est un artiste, son mouvement d´impulsion se traduit dans une expulsion en littérature. Beaucoup de peintres voudraient être musiciens ou litérateurs. Lui voudrait être peintre. Il l´aime la peinture. A différentes époques des critiques ont paru de lui.... Depuis il s´est fait un grand changement en lui car il a soif d´art et ne craint pas de marcher sur ses erreurs. Nous l´en félicitons´ (Translation"Huysmans is an artist, his impulse movement translates into an expulsion in literature. Many painters would like to be musicians or men of letters. Huysmans would like to be a painter. He loves painting. At different times critics have appeared about him... Since then a big change has taken place in himself because he is thirsty of art and do not fear to walk on his own errors. we do congratulate him for this") Further Gauguin criticises the terms on which Huysmans has written about Odilon Redon and disputing Huysmans's understanding of other artists ancient and modern including Francesco Bianchi, and referring to Rembrandt and Rapahel, states in part `Je ne vois pas en quoi Odilon Redon fait des monstres - Ce sont des êtres imaginaires. C´est un rêveur, un imaginatif.... Voyez l´oeuvre de Rembrandt de Raphael et quelle relation intime entre tous ses modèles femmes et hommes et son portrait...´ (Translation: "I don't see how you can say that Odilon Redon makes monsters - They are imaginary beings. He is a dreamer, an imaginative.... See the work of Rembrandt, Raphael, and what an intimate relationship between all his female and male models and his portrait..."). Further again, Gauguin refers extensively to Gustave Moreau `...Son mouvement d´impulsion est bienloin du coeur, aussi il aime la richesse des biens matériels...´ (Translation "...His impulsive movement is very far from his heart and he loves the richness of material wealth..." and refers also to Puvis de Chavanne with some unconnected notes at the end `Coco de mer - Coco a deux parties qui s´entrouvent comme le sexe femelle d´où sort un énorme fallus qui va se piquer en terre pour germer. Les habitants l´ont considéré lontemps comme le fruit défendu de l´arbre de la science du mal et du bien´ (Translation "...Coconut in two parts which open like the female genitalia, from which emerges an enormous phallus which embeds itself in the earth to germinate. The inhabitants have long considered it as the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil") An extremely interesting thoughts by Gauguin, saying in differents parts of his manuscript `...Je veux dire par là que le peintre ne opeut illustrer un livre et vice versa. Il peut décorer son livre oui, y ajouter d´autres sensations qui s´y rattachent... De la laideur - Question brûlante et qui est la pierre de touche de notre art moderne et de la critique.... D´un volcan vous en refroidissez la lave et d´un sang bouillonant vous en faites une pierre. Fût-elle un rubis ...mais on veut des rubis et on les vend aux trafiquants de diamants! En somme Gustave Moreau est un beau ciseleur. En revanche Puvis de Chavannes ne vous sourit pas... La simplicité la noblesse ne sont plus d´époque. Que voulez-vous éminent critique d´art, ces gens là seront un jour de leur époque....´ (Translation: "By this I mean that the painter cannot illustrate a book and vice versa. He can decorate his book yes, add other sensations attached to it... Of ugliness - A burning question and which is the touchstone of our modern art and criticism.... Of a volcano you cool the lava and from boiling blood you make a stone. Was it a ruby...but we want rubies and we sell them to diamond traffickers! In short, Gustave Moreau is a great engraver. On the other hand, Puvis de Chavannes does not smile at you... Simplicity and nobility are no longer of the times. What do you want, eminent art critic, these people will one day be of their time...") A letter of excellent contant and association. Extremely small tears to the bottom edge of the second page, otherwise G to VG

In the present letter, Gauguin criticises the art criticism of the "decadent" critic Karl-Joris Huysmans. These typically combative notes, attacking the taste of the great literary champion of the Impressionists, were written when Gauguin was back in Paris after his fraught sojourn with Van Gogh in Arles, and was beginning to turn his mind to Tahiti. At the heart of his argument is the figure of Odilon Redon, who was in fact a friend of both men. Huysmans had written some of the first positive reviews of Redon's art, which had played a vital role in establishing him in the art world. Both Redon and Gauguin had exhibited in the 8th Impressionist exhibition of 1886, and by the late 1880s Redon was one of the few artistic contemporaries of whom Gauguin spoke with unambiguous respect. Gauguin is responding to a chapter of Huysmans's "Certains" on Redon entitled "Le Monstre" (1889). To Huysmans, Redon was an artist of fantasy, creating distorted monsters to express modernity - a visual equivalent of contemporary decadent and symbolist literature. Gauguin refutes this, claiming that Redon's imagination is an expression of nature. This article was dated by Guérin, who notes that it was first published in Les Nouvelles littéraires, 7th May 1953. Interestingly, the manuscript shows significant differences from the published text, with a number of important sentences silently omitted or re-ordered.

Karl-Joris Huysmans (1848-1907) French Novelist and art Critic. A founding member of the Academy Goncourt and an early advocate of Impressionism.

Odilon Redon (1840-1916) French Painter. Best known for his Dreamlike works inspired by Japanese art.

Gustave Moreau (1826-1898) French artist, an important figure in the Symbolist movement.

Pierre Puvis de Chavannes (1824-1898) French painter.