Autograph Letters, Manuscripts & Historical Documents
Por International Autograph Auctions
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LOTE 734:

CATHERINE DE´MEDICI: (1519-1589) Queen consort of France 1547-59, as spouse of King Henry II. Catherine de Medici ...

Vendido por: €3 000
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3 000
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€3 000 - €4 000
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CATHERINE DE´MEDICI: (1519-1589) Queen consort of France 1547-59, as spouse of King Henry II. Catherine de Medici saw during her life time three of her sons becoming Kings of France, Francis II, Charles IX and Henry III. Very rare L.S., `Catherine´, one page, folio, Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, 23rd June 1566, to Monsieur de Jarnac, in old French. Catherine sends the present letter on behalf of her son, King Charles IX who would be 16 years old three days later. Catherine de´ Medici is concerned regarding the goods arrived to the port of La Rochelle and which have been put under hold, stating in part `Monsieur de Jarnac, la lettre que le Roi monsieur mon fils vous écrit présentement satisfera pour la réponse que je vous pourrais faire à la dépêche que nous avons reçue de vous du XVIIIe de ce mois touchant les navires de La Rochelle qui y sont arrivés chargés de marchandises que l'on prétend être déprédées…´ (Translation: ''Monsieur de Jarnac, the letter that the King, Monsieur my son, is writing to you at this time will satisfy the answer that I could give you to the dispatch that we received from you on the 18th of the present month concerning the ships from La Rochelle which arrived there loaded with goods they pretend to hold…'' Further again, Catherine sends precise orders, saying `…vous prier bien fort de tenir la main envers les dits juges, à ce qu'ils procèdent en cela avec la meilleure, plus juste et prompte expédition que faire se pourra, cessant tous ports, faveurs, exception de personnes longuement commencées et dissimulations quelconques, sans oublier ce que le dit seigneur Roi mon fils vous mande touchant d'un nommé Guillaume Mesmyn…´ (Translation: ''…pray you very much to look over the said judges, so that they proceed in this with the best, most just and prompt dispatch that can be done, ceasing all ports charges, favours… without forgetting what the said Lord King my son tells you about a man named Guillaume Mesmyn…'') Countersigned at the base. With address leaf, stating `Monsieur de Jarnac chevalier de l'ordre du Roi, monsieur mon fils, capitaine de cinquante hommes de ses ordonnances et son lieutenant général au gouvernement de La Rochelle et pays d'Aunis en l'absence de mon fils le prince de Navarre´ (Translation: ''Monsieur de Jarnac Knight of the Order of the King, Monsieur my son, Captain of fifty men of his ordinances and his Lieutenant General in the government of La Rochelle and the country of Aunis in the absence of my son the Prince of Navarre'') Also annotated to the verso `De la Reyne Catherine de Medicis mère du Roy Charles 9, 1566´ (Translation: ''By the Queen Catherine de Medicis, mother of the King Charles 9, 1566'') Overall age wear, with edges slightly trimmed and repair to the left border, not affecting the text or signature. G Monsieur de Jarnac (1514-1584) Guy 1er de Chabot, Baron de Jarnac. The Abbey of Saint-Maur became very famous in the Middle Ages, and was one of the most famous pilgrimage centers of medieval France. The abbey was secularised in 1531 and a Château was built in 1541 for the Bishop of Paris Jean du Bellay. In 1563 Catherine de Medicis acquired the Château du Bellay and largely rebuilt it. On 23rd September 1568, Catherine de Medicis´ teenage son, King Charles IX, issued the well-remembered Edict of Saint-Maur, which prohibited all religions but Catholicism. Charles IX (1550-1574) King of France 1560-74. He ascended the throne at the very early age of ten years upon the death of his brother Francis II. From 1560 to 1563 his mother Catherine de´ Medici held the regency of France. Guillaume Mesmyn was a Corsair of La Rochelle, acting between 1556 and 1569.