Autograph Letters, Manuscripts & Historical Documents
Por International Autograph Auctions
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LOTE 716:

NAPOLEON I: (1769-1821) Emperor of France 1804-14, 1815. A very interesting content L.S., `Np´, a bold ink ...

Vendido por: €1 600
Precio inicial:
1 500
Precio estimado :
€1 500 - €2 000
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 25.5%
IVA: 17% IVA sólo en comisión

NAPOLEON I: (1769-1821) Emperor of France 1804-14, 1815. A very interesting content L.S., `Np´, a bold ink signature, one page, 4to, Trianon, 10th August 1810, to Eugene Beauharnais, in French. The present letter was dictated by Napoleon Bonaparte to Baron Fain. Napoleon acknowledges receipt of the letter received from his correspondent, dated 5th August, stating in part `J´ai lu avec attention le rapport des commissaires sur les deux villages d´Ascoli, dont la cession est demandée par le Roi de Naples. Je trouve que vos réflexions sont tres justes, et que si, pour rectifier les limites de Naples, il fallait céder ces deux communes, cela donnerait lieu à de graves inconvénients sans aucune compensation´ (Translation: ''I have carefully read the report of the commissioners on the two villages of Ascoli, the cession of which is requested by the King of Naples. I find that your thoughts are very fair, and that if, in order to rectify the limits of Naples, it was necessary to cede these two communes, this would give rise to serious inconveniences without any compensation'') Further, Napoleon explains to Eugene Beauharnais his decision regarding the limits of the Kingdom of Naples, despite what his brother-in-law Murat was expecting, and concludes with what he wants him to do, saying `…je ne veux pas qu´il y ait de douanes sur ces deux points de communication, et je n´admets aucun changement dans la frontier d´Ascoli. S´il y avait un changement, ce serait pour donner au royaume d´Italie le Salinello pour limite. Vous ferez finir les inquiétudes qu´on parait avoir a Ascoli et dans ces deux villages, en y faisant connaitre que j´ai pris en considération leurs intérets et qu´ils ne seront jamais réunis au Royaume de Naples´ (Translation: ''I do not want there to be customs on these two points of communication, and I do not admit any change in the border of Ascoli. If there was a change, it would be to give to the Kingdom of Italy the Salinello as its limit. You will put an end to the worries that we seem to have in Ascoli and in these two villages, by making it known that I have taken their interests into consideration and that they will never be reunited to the Kingdom of Naples'') Extremely small crease to the upper border, otherwise VG Eugene de Beauharnais (1781-1824) French Prince, son of Josephine de Beauharnais, Viceroy of Italy 1805-14 and Grand Duke of Frankfurt. Joachim Murat (1767-1815) Marshal of France, brother-in-law of Napoleon Bonaparte. King of Naples 1808-15