Autograph Letters, Manuscripts & Historical Documents
Por International Autograph Auctions
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LOTE 712:

LANNES JEAN: (1769-1809) Duke of Montebello. French military commander, a Marshal of the Empire who served during ...

Vendido por: €2 000
Precio inicial:
2 000
Precio estimado :
€2 000 - €3 000
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 25.5%
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LANNES JEAN: (1769-1809) Duke of Montebello. French military commander, a Marshal of the Empire who served during the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. A.L.S., Lannes, one page, 8vo, n.p., n.d. (14th July 1808), to his second wife, Louise Antoinette, in French. Lannes informs his wife that he only received her letter of the 24th yesterday, in which she asked him to tell his father to try and love her a little, continuing to remark 'J'espere aussi ma chere Louise que tu voudrais bien dire a tou ami, de continuer de m'aimer un peu; il faut avouer qui tu es bien injuste en vers mon pere, qui t'aime au moins autant qu'a moi, ainsi que ma soeur. En verite tu me fais aimer de tou amitie pour eux, cependant ils ont ete l'un et l'autre dans le plus mortel chagrin en apprenant tou accident. je te pardonne quand tu connaitras mieux leurs sentiments a tou egard, tu leurs rendra plus de justice' (Translation: 'I also hope my dear Louise that you would like to tell your friend to continue to love me a little; you must admit that you are very unjust towards my father, who loves you at least as much as he loves me, as well as my sister. In truth, you make me love you with your friendship for them, yet they were both in the most mortal grief on learning of your accident. I forgive you, when you know their feelings for you better, you will do them more justice'), further asking her to arrange for a letter of credit for one thousand francs to be sent to Billiard's address in Lectoure, and concluding in affectionate terms 'Embrasse mes enfants pour moi…...adieu ma chere Louise, je t'aime de tout mon coeur' (Translation: 'Kiss my children for me……goodbye my dear Louise, I love you with all my heart'). With integral address leaf in the hand of Lannes and with a red wax seal (one tear and small area of paper loss caused by the original opening). VG Louise Antoinette Lannes (1782-1856) Comtesse de Gueheneuc. Duchess of Montebello. French courtier who served as Mistress of the Robes to Empress Marie Louise. The second wife of Jean Lannes, whom she married in September 1800 and by whom she had five children.