Autograph Letters, Manuscripts & Historical Documents
Por International Autograph Auctions
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LOTE 706:

TALLEYRAND-PÉRIGORD CHARLES MAURICE DE: (1754-1838) French Diplomat and Statesman. Prime Minister of France ...

Vendido por: €1 000
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1 200
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€1 200 - €1 500
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TALLEYRAND-PÉRIGORD CHARLES MAURICE DE: (1754-1838) French Diplomat and Statesman. Prime Minister of France July-September 1815. A very interesting N.S., Ch Mau Talleyrand, at the base of a L.S., Whitworth, one page, large folio, Paris, 12th May 1803, on a partially printed document issued by the British Embassy in Paris, to J. Charles Clermont, in French. The attractive document, bearing two large printed coats of arms, is a passport authorizing Charles Clermont to return to England together with his servant, and states `Charles Lord Whitworth, Counselor of Her British Majesty and British Ambassador to France, asks and requests in the name of Her Majesty to all Officers and authorities, civil and military ones, Princes and friend States and allies of Her Majesty, not only to let Charles Clermont cross any territory, with his servant and luggage, but also to give him any help he may require on his way back to England. We promise reciprocity on similar situations…´ Beneath the British Ambassador´s signature, and annotated in another hand `The Foreign Affairs Minister certify that the above signature of H.E. Lord Whitworth is authentic, Paris, 16th May 1803´, signed by Talleyrand in his capacity as Foreign Affairs Minister. Also signed by a Diplomatic service officer, and bearing a contemporary ink stamp of the French Foreign Affairs Ministry. Small overall, minor age wear, foxing stains, edges very slightly damaged with a pin hole and a tear to the right edge, to the fold, not affecting the text or signature. G Charles Whitworth (1752-1825) British Ambassador to France. Whitworth demanded his passports on 12th May 1803, the same day the present passport was issued, and left Paris. Whitworth reached London on 20th May. Two days after Talleyrand signed the present document, on 18th May 1803, Britain declared war against France. On 22nd May Napoleon ordered the arrest of all British residents in France. On 13th March 1803 took place the famous scene between Napoleon I and the British Ambassador at the Tuileries. Before a full court Napoleon exclaimed loudly to Whitworth ''Misfortune to those who do not respect treaties. They will be accountable to the whole of Europe''. Whitworth will later state ''He was too agitated to prolong the conversation; I therefore made no answer, and he retired to his apartment repeating the last phrase. Two hundred people heard this conversation, and I am persuaded that there was not a single person who did not feel the extreme impropriety of his conduct and the total want of dignity as well as of decency on the occasion´.