Autograph Letters, Manuscripts & Historical Documents
Mar 16, 2023
Urbanizacion El Real del Campanario. E-12, Bajo B 29688 Estepona (Malaga). SPAIN, Spain
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LOT 1252:


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Sold for: €550
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Estimated price :
€600 - €800
Buyer's Premium: 25.5%
VAT: 17% On commission only
Auction took place on Mar 16, 2023 at International Autograph Auctions


The Duke of Montmorency authorises a payment to an archer
‘ ill from two stab wounds that he had in his body’
sustained at the Battle of Dreux


MONTMORENCY ANNE DE: (1493-1567) Duke of Montmorency. French soldier, statesman and diplomat who became a Marshal of France and Constable of France, serving five kings. A good D.S., Montmor[en]cy, one page (vellum), slim oblong folio, Moulins, 28th January 1566, in Middle French. The manuscript document is issued by the Duke of Montmorency in his capacity as a peer and Constable of France, adviser to the King and Ordinary Treasurer of his Wars and orders 'en vertu de nre pouvoir……Vous paiez baillez et delivrez comptant a Jehan distidon archer de la cpaignie de monsr de cursol son estat et solde de quartier de Janvier fevrier et mars mil Vc Lxii Nonobstant ql ayt este mis absent a la monstre dernierement faicte dont attendu quil nous a este bien et deuement certiffié que lors q. lad. Monstre a estee faicte por lesd. quartiers ql estoit mallade de deux coups de coustellas quil a eu en son corps estant por le service du roy a la bataille de dreux Et quil nen a este pourveu aulcun en sa place, Nous lavons Relleve et Rellevons par ces pntes Rapportant lesquelles controllees et veriffiees par le controlr gnal des guerres avec quictance dudict distidon sur ce suffisante La somme q. por cest effect luy aura estee paye sera passee et allouee en la despence de vos comptes et rabatue de vre recepte par messrs les gens des comptes du roy….' (Translation: 'by virtue of our power……you pay, bail and deliver cash to Jehan Distidon, archer of the company of Monsieur de Cursol, his state and quarter pay for January, February and March 1562, notwithstanding that he was absent from the watch recently made, of which expected that it has been well and duly certified to us that when the said watch was made for the said quarters that he was ill from two stab wounds that he had in his body being in the service of the King at the battle of Dreux, and that none have been provided in his place. We have noted it and hereby note, reporting which controlled and verified by the general controller of wars with receipt of the said Distidon on this sufficient the sum which for this purpose will have been paid to him will be passed and allocated in the expense of your accounts and reduced from your receipt by the gentlemen of the King's accounts'). Countersigned by Martin (?) and with the remnants of the blind embossed paper seal loosely in place. With a contemporary docket to the verso signed by Leconte, secretary and comptroller general, confirming that the payment has been registered, Moulins, 8th February 1566. Some light overall age wear and a few stains and creases, G


The Battle of Dreux took place on 19th December 1562 and was fought between the Catholics, led by Anne de Montmorency, and the Huguenots, led by Louis I, Prince of Conde, and constituted the first major engagement in the French Wars of Religion. During the battle Montmorency had his horse shot from under him and he was taken prisoner, and one of the Duke's sons also met his death. However, Montmorency's soldiers eventually won the battle, one of the bloodiest of the 16th century

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