Autograph Letters, Manuscripts & Historical Documents
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LOYSON HYACINTHE: (1827-1912) also known as Père Hyacinthe. French renowned Preacher and Theologian, a brilliant orator best remembered for his eloquent sermons at Notre Dame de Paris. Father Hyacinthe was a Roman Catholic priest in favour of Church reform, reconciling Catholicism with other religions and with modern ideas. His manifesto against the alleged abuses in the Church created an internal revolt ending with his excommunication. He left Paris and went to America and later married in London. An extremely interesting manuscript in the hand of Loyson, signed `Hyacinthe Loyson´, four pages, 4to, Geneva, 1st of November 1902, in French. The manifesto is entitled `Rome and Sion´, and refers to different religions coming from a same source, and to the non-sense of the new trends of the Catholic Church. Loyson states in part `Je viens de lire dans les journaux le récit de deux cérémonies bien différentes, mais ayant trait l´une et l´autre au Judaisme et qui se sont accomplies le même jour dans la synagogue de la Victoire et dans l´église de Saint-Thomas d´Aquin. Dans la cérémonie catholique, qui rappelle à plus d´un titre le plus mauvais passé....´, ("I have just read in the newspapers the story of two very different ceremonies, but both relating to Judaism and which took place on the same day in the Victory Synagogue and in the Church of Saint Thomas of Aquinas. In the Catholic ceremony, which recalls in more ways than one the worst past... .´, further saying `... pour recevoir le baptême, a renoncé solennellement à la perfidie judaïque et aux superstitions hébhraïques, c´est à dire à la religion la plus antique et, sous bien des rapports, la plus pure qui existe aujourd´hui en Europe, celle-là même dont, au dire de Saint Paul, la Chrétienté n´est qu´une branche misérable... En échange, le néophite a fait siennes toutes "les perfifidies" de la politique jésuitique et toutes "les superstitions" du semi-paganisme romain´ (" receive baptism, has solemnly renounced to Judaic perfidy and to Hebhraic superstitions, that is to say the most ancient and, in many respects, the purest religion that exists today in Europe, that of which, according to Saint Paul, Christianity is only a wretched branch... In exchange, the neophyte has made his own all the "treacheries" of Jesuit politics and all the "superstitions" of Roman semi-paganism") Further again Father Hyacinthe concludes making an eloquent defence of equality, peace, respect and purpose of the religion, accusing those who want to bring the Catholic Church to several centuries back, and stating in part `A quelque croyance qu´ils appartiennent, chrétiens, israélites ou simplement philosophes, ils ne se rangeront pas, s´ils sont vraiment religieux, du côté ce ceux qui ayant pour idéal les pires divisions et les pires haines, s´efforcent de nous ramener aux abjurations de l´Inquisition espagnole, dans l´impossibilité de nous ramener à ses bûchers. Les hommes de religion sincère et profonde seront avec ceux qui embrassent toutes les races et tous les cultes dans l´unité de la patrie française comme dans celle du genre humain pacifié. Tels sont, tels ont été de tous les temps, je peux le dire, les sentiments d´un prédicateur judéo.chrétien qui, dans la chaise de Notre-Dame de Paris et depuis, n´a point opposé le Nouveau Testament à l´Ancien, l´Eglise à la Synagogue, mais a toujours uni le culte de Jésus de Nazareth à l´amour du peuple de David et de la race d´Abraham...´ ("To whatever creed they belong, Christians, Jews or simply philosophers, they will not line up, if they are truly religious, on the side of those who, having as their ideal the worst divisions and the worst hatreds, strive to bring us back to the abjurations of the Spanish Inquisition, in the impossibility of bringing us back to its bonfire. Men of sincere and profound religion will be with those who embrace all races and all religions in the unity of the French fatherland as in that of the pacified human race. Such are, such have always been, I can say, the feelings of a Judeo-Christian preacher who, in the chair of Notre-Dame de Paris and since, has not opposed the New Testament to the Old, the Church to the Synagogue, but has always united the cult of Jesus of Nazareth to the love of the people of David and the race of Abraham...´ A manuscript of very interesting content. Small overall minor age wear with three pinholes. G to VG