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FOURIER JOSEPH: (1768-1830) French Mathematician and Physicist. Best known for initiating the investigation of the Fourier series and their applications to problems of heat transfer and vibrations. The Fourier transform and Fourier´s law of conduction are named after him. He is credited with the discovery of the greenhouse effect. A very good content and rare L.S., Fourier, one page, 4to, Paris, 12th January 1824, to Monsieur Ampere, in French. The letter bears the attractive printed heading of the “Institut de France - Académie Royale des Sciences” with the printed bust representative image of the Academy of Sciences. Fourier, in his capacity as Perpetual Secretary of the Academy, asks ampere to kindly forward to him some memoirs, stating in part `Monsieur et Cher Confrere, je vous prie de vouloir bien me confier vos mémoires suivantes: 1º- Communication de nouvelles expériences faites par Mr. Pouillet sur les effets électriques excites par le contact du mercure et du Bismuth. 2º- Mémoire sur un instrument pour completer les oscillations d´un conducteur ébranlé par l´action d´un autre conducteur. 3º- Communication de nouveaux résultats que M. Savary déduit de ses formules. Pour que j´aye le temps de les étudier et d´en soigner l´extrait pour le compte des travaux de l´académie qui sera distribué au public dans la séance du 1er lundi de Juin 1824…´ (Translation: “Sir and dear Colleague, I beg you to kindly entrust me with your following memoirs: 1º- Communication of new experiments made by Mr. Pouillet on the electrical effects caused by the contact of mercury and bismuth. 2º- Memory on an instrument to complete the oscillations of a conductor shaken by the action of another conductor. 3º- Communication of new results that M. Savary deduces from his formulas. So that I have time to study them and to take care of the report for the account of the works of the academy which will be distributed to the public during the session of the 1st Monday of June 1824…”) A letter of good association. Overall age wear with very small staining, otherwise G


André-Marie Ampere (1775-1836) French Physicist and Mathematician. Member of the French Academy of Sciences and professor at the Ecole Polytechnique. The SI unit of measurement of electric current, the Ampere, is named after him. One of the founders of Electromagnetism which he referred to as Electrodynamics. Ampere is the credited inventor of the Solenoid and the electrical telegraph.

Claude Pouillet (1790-1868) French Physician. Pupil of Gay-Lussac. The Pouillet effect, related to the heat produced by the wetting of dry sand, is named after him.

Félix Savary (1797-1841) French Astronomer. Savary worked closely with Ampere in 1823 on the Memoire sur l´application du calcul aux phénomenes électro-dynamiques (“Memorandum on the application of calculation to electrodynamic phenomena”)