Autograph Letters, Manuscripts & Historical Documents
Por International Autograph Auctions
Urbanizacion El Real del Campanario. E-12, Bajo B 29688 Estepona (Malaga). SPAIN, España
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LOTE 946:


Vendido por: €800
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€800 - €1 200
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 25.5%
IVA: 17% IVA sólo en comisión


DESGROUETTES PÉPIN: (?-1805) Pierre Athanase Desgrouettes, also called Des Grouettes, was one of the most odious figures of the French revolution during the Reign of Terror. A stool pigeon in the prisons of terror. Malignant and misshapen, he was imprisoned during the reign of Louis XVI for prevarication and later again imprisoned in La Bastille for printing pamphlets, but became with the French revolution a judge in few revolutionary tribunals as member of the Commune. Rare A.L.S., `Pépin Dégrouhettes´, two pages, 4to, n.p., [Paris], 8th October 1792, First year of the Revolution, to the Minister of war, in French. Desgrouettes, on behalf of several “good citizens”, denounces their boss and indicates his address in order to arrest him, stating in part `Permettez que je vous adresse la réclamation de plusieurs bons citoyens… les sacrifices qu´ils ont fait pour la chose publique ont réduits á la nécessité de travailler à la journée au camp sous Paris, et dont un chef infidèle retient le salaire et par consequent les moyens de subsistance. Ce chef est le S. Chevreau, demeurant rue de Fauxbourg Saint Denis nº 24…´ (“Allow me to address to you the complaint of several good citizens... the sacrifices they have made for the public affairs has reduced their lives to the need of having to work by day in the camps beneath Paris, and their salaries are withheld by an unfaithful boss and consequently their livelihoods too. This chief is S. Chevreau, residing rue de Fauxbourg Saint Denis nº 24…“ Desgrouettes explains in detail the days they worked, the small amount received on account, and the refusal of Chevreau to pay the amount agreed and due and the way he harshly ousts them, and further again states invoking the principles of the revolution `Il n´entre point dans l´esprit de la Nation et de ses ministers que les citoyens malaisés qui servent la Patrie soient volés et maltraités; je vous prie donc avec instance, citoyen minister, de faire justice… et de punir l´infidèle et brutal Chevreau. Dans une République bien organisée il faut que tout homme….´ (“It is not in the spirit of the Nation and its ministers that the weak citizens who serve the Fatherland are robbed and mistreated; I therefore beg you insistently, citizen minister, to do justice... and to punish the unloyal and brutal Chevreau. In a well-organized Republic every man must...”) Desgrouettes adds beneath his signature that he acts in his capacity as `Membre du conseil general de la Commune et Président du tribunal criminel´ (“Member of the General Council of the Commune and President of the Criminal Court”). In very fine condition, about VG


Desgrouettes is well-remembered and described by imprisoned people in Paris, as a provocative agent and a stool pigeon of the revolutionary committees. During the Reign of Terror, Desgrouettes was picking out at the prison of Saint Lazare the arrested persons to be executed. It is reported that when the number of executions was important he was celebrating with joy and wine and returning home drunk and singing.