Leilão 27 Zionism, Judaica, Holocaust and She'erit Hapleita, Art, Antiques, and more
גוש עציון 2 גבעת שמואל, Israel
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LOTE 38:

Israel War of Independence - 4 photos and 25 original IDF "Day Orders", in handwriting, which were hung ...

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Israel War of Independence - 4 photos and 25 original IDF "Day Orders", in handwriting, which were hung on the bulletin board in the camp during Israel War of Independence
Day Orders were posted on the bulletin board in the company encampment of the 33rd Battalion (Bnei Ramat Gan Battalion, Borochov neighborhood, Nachal Yitzhak, Givatayim and Bnei Brak) for about a month and a half, from March 26 to May 10, 1948. During this period, the soldiers of the company took part in almost A daily basis and many of them whose names are here fell in it! In the order dated March 27, 1948, for example, the name of the place where the company was staying was specified. This is the settlement "Gradually" (later Gat Rimon) located a little south of Petah Tikva, on the very important axis for its time that led from Ramat Gan eastward to Migdal Tzedek (today's Route 471). On Saturday, April 10, 1948, going on vacation until the next morning, "a machine (the shuttle) will be waiting near Kapolski at 07:00". "Kapolski" is the main cafe of Ramat Gan in those years (and decades later), next to the "Ordea" cinema, on the corner of Herzl and Ra'a streets. An order dated April 14, 1948, the day after which, close to Pesach, the company took part in the operation For the occupation of the Tel Litwinski camp (Tel HaShomer), he carried out Operation Hametz. An order dated May 10, 1948 which three days later the company (and the entire battalion) went into the bloody battle to occupy the Arab village of Kfar Saba (Operation "Medina"!). The day after the battle is the day of the establishment of the state
And the photos are as follows: First photo, the occupation of the Tel Litwinski camp (Tel HaShomer) in Operation "Hametz" (Eve of Passover), April 14, 1948. Second, May 13, 1948, the scout division of the 33rd Battalion, just an hour before leaving for the battle to occupy the Arab village of Kfar Saba (the day before Establishment of the state). Armored under the command of Eli Dovdevani (standing fourth from the left) "kidnapped" two anti-tank shells and most of the people photographed were killed or wounded. Caption on the back of the photo of Dovdevani himself. Third, late 1948 / early 1949, the fighters of the battalion's auxiliary company during routine security operations to encircle the force The Egyptian in the "Fallujah pocket" (in today's Kiryat Gat area). Fourth, a British armored personnel carrier of the "Bern-Carrier" type that was used by the besieged Egyptian army in the Fallujah pocket. Original inscription on the back of the photo of Maj. Eli Dovdevani (second on the left of the armored car).
Size: one photo 7x10 cm. The others 6x9 cm. Today's orders 20x16 cm. (approx.)
Very good/excellent condition