Leilão 10 Zionism, Broad, Kafka, Judaica, She'erit HaPleita, Art, Gold, Silver, include rare and expensive items
Hanasie 43, Givaat Shmuel, Israel

In this auction:

Albert Einstein, amusing letter.

Gustav Mahler, autographed photo.

Franz Kafka, first editions, and more.

Max Brod, Hand-Exemplar, and other special items from his library. 

Autographs by Franz WerfelHermann Hesse. and others.

Newspapers from Israel 1st Independence Day.

Unknown photo: "Yair".

Pages in the handwriting of Eliezer Ben Yehuda.

Marc Chagall, a rare tapestry.

The illustrated Amsterdam Haggadah. 1712.

In addition: Judaica, Holocaust and She'erit HaPleita, Zionism, art, silverware, gold jewelry, medals, and more.

Good luck!

Mais detalhes
O leilão terminou

LOTE 14:

Altalena affair, Givati Brigade - Proclamation against the Irgun 22.6.48

Vendido por: $140
Preço inicial:
$ 100
Comissão da leiloeira: 15%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
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Altalena affair, Givati Brigade - Proclamation against the Irgun 22.6.48
"The young state of Israel was forced to defend itself against enemies from within""
Poignant proclamation from the day that Altalena drawn. Published by the Givati Brigade Headquarters, Southern Front.
Fair condition, rust stains. 25x14 cm