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LOTE 14:

PASCAL (Blaise). OEUVRES de Blaise Pascal. A La Haye: Chez Detune, 1779.

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20.5.22 en Ecléctica Leilões

PASCAL (Blaise). OEUVRES de Blaise Pascal. A La Haye: Chez Detune, 1779.

PASCAL (Blaise)

OEUVRES de Blaise Pascal. Cujus gloriae neque profuit quisquam laudando, nec vituperando quisquam nocuit, cum utrumque summis praediti fecerint ingeniis. A La Haye: Chez Detune, 1779.

5 v.; a-h8, i2, A-Z8, Aa-Cc8, Dd5, 132, 425 pp., 1 portrait; a5, A-Z8, Aa-Ll8, Mm2, Nn1, XII, 550 pp.; a4, A-Z8, Aa-Ii8, Kk7, VIII, 526 pp., a4, A-Z8, Aa-Ff4, VIII, 456 pp., 9 folded engraved plates; a4, A-Z8, Aa-Ee8, Ff7; VIII, 462 pp., 5 folded engraved plates: il.; 205 mm. Full calf tired, wormholes on spines and covers; clean; wormholes on volumes 1, 3, 4 and 5, most of them on margins, except on volume 5, heavly afected on texto through page 60.

FIRST EDITION of the compilation of Pascal's works in a text edited by Father CHarles Bossut, an important French Jesuit mathematician, member of the Academy of Sciences and contributor to the famous “Encyclopedie” by Dideroy and Alembert. The first three volumes of the work deal with Pascal's literary and philosophical studies and the rest with his scientific works. Among the works by Pascal that are published in this edition for the first time are the correspondence between the author and Noel on the vacuum and the texts on the invention of a calculating machine. The volumes have the following division: 1. Discours sur la vie et les ouvrages de Pascal / par l'abbe Ch. Bossut. Notice sur les families Pascal et Perier. In praise of Pascal / couple Nicole, in Latin. Epitaphe by Pascal / by Aime Proust de Chambourg, in Latin. Les provinciales; 2. Pensions; 3. Ouvrages attributed to Pascal; 4. Ouvrages de mathematiques et de physique; 5. Ouvrage's of mathematiques. Rare.

¶ Brunet, v.4, c. 395


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