The auction will take place on Monday, June 26, 2023, at 19:00 (Israel time) with an announcement.
Dear customers, an interesting and important catalog containing many rare and important historical items in the many fields in which we deal, we are happy for any question, inquiry, and delivery of all the necessary information beyond what is written in the catalog.
LOT 179:
"Greetings from the Holy Land" - Collection of British Army Postcards in Palestine
Sold for: $120 (₪436)
Start price:
Buyer's Premium: 23%
VAT: 17%
On commission only
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"Greetings from the Holy Land" - Collection of British Army Postcards in Palestine
"Greetings from the Holy Land" - 10 rare postcards of British army humorous scenes in Eretz Israel. Published by Caricaturist NOAH BEE and signs "BEE" and publishing house M.J.&B. MILLER LTD. Color Lithographic Press. C. 1930s.