Leilão 36 Private collection: artefacts, Bezalel, Judaica, silverware and Islam.
Por Behrooz
oli zion 13, tel aviv -jaffo, Israel

"And I in thy mercy have trusted that my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation".

May his name be praised forever and ever!

O leilão terminou

LOTE 10:

Chinese falk is made of "precious white matter". China. 19th century. Dimensions: 11*24.5 cm. Source: Private ...

Preço inicial:
$ 400
Comissão da leiloeira: 18%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
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1.3.23 em Behrooz

Chinese falk is made of "precious white matter". China. 19th century. Dimensions: 11*24.5 cm. Source: Private Collection.