Ben-Ami Endres

16 Galgaley Haplada, Herzliya

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Ben-Ami Endres Auctions was founded in 1994 by David and Michal Ben-Ami, and was the first to auction items from pre-state Israel (Israeliana) as a subject by itself Since then we have conducted over 200 auctions in various subjects such as: Judaica, Israeliana, Art, Jewelry and Silver, Decorative objects and Collectibles We also take care of estates, offering after we auction the valuables, consultation on how to sell what can be sold from the remaining items and clear the estate 

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Ended auctions

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 292

Aug 22, 2024
Collectibles, Coins, Jewelry and Silver, Judaica and more

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 291

Jun 13, 2024
Stamps & Payment means, Jewelry and Silver, Judaica, Collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 290

Apr 4, 2024
Collectibles, Stamps, Banknotes and Coins, Collection of original film posters and more

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 289

Feb 1, 2024
Stamps, Coins, Israeliana and Judaica, Collectibles etc

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 288

Nov 27, 2023
Israeliana and Judaica, Collectibles
Pdf catalog

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 287

Sep 21, 2023
Jewelry, Silver and Collectibles, Israeliana, Judaica

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 286

Jul 30, 2023
Jewelry, Silver, Collectibles, Judaica and Israeliana

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 2852

Jun 29, 2023
Items from the estate of the late Mousa and Qamar Bahai, Hagefen 1 Haifa

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 285

Part 2
May 11, 2023
Judaica, Israeliana, Archaeology

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 285

Part 1
May 10, 2023
Jewelry, Silver, Collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 2842

Apr 13, 2023
Estate of Judith and Ezra Helish Z"L, 17 Shai st., AfekaTel-Aviv

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 22

Mar 12, 2023
Books from the stock of Nunbet Books on Judaism and Israel

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 284

Feb 14, 2023
Collectibles, Judaica and Israeliana

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 283

Dec 29, 2022
Jewelry, Archaeological Coins, Judaika and Collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 282

Part 2
Nov 14, 2022

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 282

Part 1
Nov 13, 2022
Jewelry and Silver, Collectibles, Israeliana and Judaica

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 281

Sep 22, 2022
Collectibles, Coins and banknotes, Judaica and Israeliana

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 280

Aug 8, 2022
Collectibles and Art, Archaeology, Judaica and more

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 279

Jun 29, 2022
Collectibles, Judaica and Israeliana, Archaeology

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 278

May 19, 2022
Collectibles, Coins and Medals, Archaeology, Judaica and Israeliana

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 277

Apr 17, 2022
Banknotes and Coins, Eretz-Israel Books, Jewelry and more

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 276

Part 2
Feb 22, 2022
Collectibles, Art, Judaica and more

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 276

Part 1
Feb 21, 2022
Israeliana, Objects, Maps from the estate of M. Brawer and more, Archaeology

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 275

Part 2
Dec 16, 2021

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 275

Part 1
Dec 15, 2021
Archaeology, Judaica and Israeliana

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 21

Nov 11, 2021
Art Books from Nun Bet Books's stock, without commission

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 274

Part 2
Oct 7, 2021
Decorative Objects and Collectibles, Jewelry, Art

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 274

Part 1
Oct 6, 2021
Archaeological Coins, Israeli Coins and Banknotes, Judaica, Israeliana

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 273

Part 2
Aug 5, 2021
Collectibles from a few estates and collections

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 273

Part 1
Aug 4, 2021
Coins and Banknotes, Israeliana and Judaica

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 272

Jun 23, 2021
Jewelry and Gold Coins

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 271

Part 2
May 13, 2021
Collectibles, Art, Judaica and Israeliana

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 271

Part 1
May 12, 2021

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 2702

Mar 18, 2021
The Estate of the late Desiree Carmel in the estate's Appartment, Yehuda Hanasi 47 Tel-Aviv

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 270

Part 2
Feb 8, 2021
Jewelry, Decorative objects and Collectibles, Art etc
Pdf catalog

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 270

Part 1
Feb 7, 2021
Coins and Medals, Israeliana and Judaica, Islam and Far East
Pdf catalog

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 269

Part 2
Dec 2, 2020
Pdf catalog

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 269

Part 1
Dec 1, 2020
Judaica and Israeliana
Pdf catalog

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 268

Part 2
Sep 14, 2020
Art, Jewelry, Silver, Watches, Decorative Items

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 268

Part 1
Sep 13, 2020
Coins and Medals, Israeli Art, Judaica, Orienatlia and Far East

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 2672

Part 2
Jul 8, 2020
The estate of the late Mrs. Ayala Deutsch at the Estate Appartment
Pdf catalog

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 2672

Part 1
Jul 7, 2020
The estate of the late Mrs. Ayala Deutsch at the estate's Appartment
Pdf catalog

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 267

Part 2
May 4, 2020
Works by Lyonel Feininger, Vintage, Decorative Objects and Collectibles
Pdf catalog

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 267

Part 1
May 3, 2020
Items from the estate of late Ayala Deutsch, more works from the estate of Hermann Struck, Judaica, Eretz-Israel
Pdf catalog

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 2662

Mar 15, 2020
The estate of the late Michael (Mickey) Bernstein, one of the inheritors of Hermann Struck
Pdf catalog

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 266

Part 2
Feb 11, 2020
Decorative objects and Collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 266

Part 1
Feb 10, 2020
Judaica and Israeliana

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 265

Part 2
Dec 16, 2019
Decorative Objects and Collectibles
Pdf catalog

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 265

Part 1
Dec 15, 2019

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 2642

Oct 30, 2019
Landschaft Estate

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 264

Oct 3, 2019
Coins and Medals, Judaica, Collectibles , Jewelry from the estate of the late Mrs. Anna Fraenkel

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 263

Part 2
Aug 29, 2019
Judaica, Israeliana, Stamps and Payment Means

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 263

Part 1
Aug 28, 2019
Jewelry and Collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 2622

Jul 30, 2019
Objets d'art from the estate of the late Anna and Jehuda Fraenkel

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 262

Jul 3, 2019
Pdf catalog

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 261

Jun 5, 2019
Jewelry, Silver, Toys and games, Judaica, Israeliana and more

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 260

May 5, 2019
Coins, Stamps, Judaica, Israeliana and Collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 259

Mar 14, 2019
Collectibles, Judaica and Israeliana, Archaeology

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 258

Feb 6, 2019
Judaica, Israeliana, Collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 257

Jan 23, 2019
Archaeological Coins and Items

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 2562

Dec 26, 2018
Collectors' estate, Beilis 20, Haifa

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 256

Part 2
Dec 6, 2018
Stamps, Banknotes and Coins, Israeliana, Archaeology

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 256

Part 1
Dec 5, 2018
Judaica- Collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 255

Part 2
Oct 16, 2018
Decorative objects and Collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 255

Part 1
Oct 15, 2018
Banknotes, Coins and Stamps, Israeliana and Judaica

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 2542

Sep 5, 2018
Items from the estate of Shaike Ophir and Israel Shumacher, tel: 050-4500797

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 254

Aug 16, 2018
Gold Coins and Jewelry from an Estate, Archaeological Coins and Objects from the estate of Avraham Halbersberg Z"L and others

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 253

Part 2
Jul 24, 2018
Banknotes, Coins and Medals, Decorative objects and Collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 253

Part 1
Jul 23, 2018
Israeliana and Judaica from the collection of Mrs. Ayala Deutsch

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 252

Part 2
Jun 11, 2018
Decorative Objects and Collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 252

Part 1
Jun 10, 2018
Stamps, Payment Means, Israeliana and Judaica- Collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 2522

May 24, 2018
Content of a villa, 117 Ben Zvi St., Herzliya

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 251

Part 2
Apr 9, 2018
Art and Collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 251

Part 1
Apr 8, 2018
Payment means, Judaica and Israeliana

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 250

Part 2
Feb 15, 2018
Payment means, stamps, Collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 250

Part 1
Feb 14, 2018
Archaeology, Israeliana and Judaica

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 249

Part 2
Dec 21, 2017
Art and Collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 249

Part 1
Dec 20, 2017
Archaeology, Israeliana and Judaica

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 248

Part 2
Oct 23, 2017
Collectibles and Art

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 248

Part 1
Oct 22, 2017
Archaeology, Judaica and Israeliana

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 247

Part 2
Sep 7, 2017
Collectibles, Wrist watches, Jewelry and more

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 247

Part 1
Sep 6, 2017
Stamps, Coins and Banknotes, E"I and Judaica, Islam, Orient

Ben-Ami Endres

Aug 2, 2017
Special estate auction

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 246

Part 2
Jul 6, 2017
Decorative Objects and Collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 246

Part 1
Jul 5, 2017
Stamps, Israeliana and Judaica

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 245

Part 2
May 18, 2017
Decorative Objects and Art

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 245

Part 1
May 17, 2017
Collection of Emblems, Judaica and Israeliana

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 244

Part 2
Apr 4, 2017
Collectibles and Art

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 244

Part 1
Apr 3, 2017
Judaica and Eretz-Israel Items and Books

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 243

Part 2
Feb 20, 2017
Decorative Objects and Art

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 243

Part 1
Feb 19, 2017
Judaica and Eretz-Israel

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 242

Part 2
Dec 29, 2016
Silver, Jewelry

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 242

Part 1
Dec 28, 2016
Stamps , Archaeological items and coins, World Coins, Silver and Jewelry

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 241

Part 2
Nov 10, 2016
Decorative objects and collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 241

Part 1
Nov 9, 2016
Banknotes and Coins, Judaica and Eretz-Israel items, Israeli Art,

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 240

Part 2
Sep 15, 2016
Banknotes and Coins, A collection of Israeli Ceramics, Books, Art, Judaica Decorative Objects and Collectibles, Fountain Pens etc

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 240

Part 1
Sep 14, 2016
Banknotes and Coins, A collection of Israeli Ceramics, Books, Art, Judaica Decorative Objects and Collectibles, Fountain Pens etc

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 239

Aug 15, 2016
Jewelry, Ethnic items, Watches and a collection of Frogs from vaious materials

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 238

Jul 28, 2016
Stamps and covers from the Estate of the late Menachem Niv Z"L and other Estates

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 237

Jul 14, 2016

Together with Raphael Antiques,

Special Auction of Jewelry, Silver, Judaica, Decorative Objects

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 236

Part 2
May 23, 2016
Decorative objects and collectables

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 236

Part 1
May 22, 2016
Judaica and Eretz Israel

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 235

Part 2
Mar 28, 2016
Decorative art and collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 235

Part 1
Mar 27, 2016
Judaica and Erez Israel

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 234

Part 3
Feb 26, 2016
First auction of Israeli street artists works of art

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 234

Part 2
Feb 25, 2016
Decorative and collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 234

Part 1
Feb 24, 2016
Judaica and Erez Israel

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 233

Part 2
Dec 8, 2015
Decorative objects, collectibles and art

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 233

Part 1
Dec 7, 2015
Stamps, bills an coins, archaeology, Judaica and Erez Israel

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 232

Part 2
Oct 13, 2015
Decorative items and collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 232

Part 1
Oct 12, 2015
Stamps, bills and coins, Judiaka and Eretz Israel

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 1

Sep 24, 2015
Speical Jewelry Auction. No buyer's comission

Time based auction, no live auction

Ends: 24.9.15 from 18:00 each item ends each 30 seconds

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 231

Part 2
Aug 11, 2015
Decorative Objects, Furniture, Silver, Porcelain, Glass, Jewelry, Watches, Art, Islamic Items, Far Eastern Art Works and more

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 231

Part 1
Aug 10, 2015
Coins and Bank notes, Eretz Israel Books and Items, Judaica

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 230

Part 2
Jun 16, 2015
Decorative items and collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 230

Part 1
Jun 15, 2015
Coins and bills, Archaeology, Judaika and Eretz Israel

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 229

Part 2
Apr 20, 2015
Decorative Objects and Collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 229

Part 1
Apr 19, 2015
Judaica and Eretz Israel

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 228

Part 2
Feb 16, 2015
Decorative Objects and Collectibles

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 228

Part 1
Feb 15, 2015
Judaica and Eretz Israel

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 227

Dec 28, 2014
Prof. Morris appartment estate

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 226

Part 2
Nov 13, 2014
Decorative and collectibles objects, International art

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 226

Part 1
Nov 12, 2014
Judaika and Erez Israel

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 225

Part 3
Sep 16, 2014
Decorative Objects and furniture

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 225

Part 2
Sep 15, 2014
Decorative Objects

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 225

Part 1
Sep 14, 2014
Judaika and Erez Israel, stamps, coins

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 224

Part 2
Jul 17, 2014
Decorative Objects and Collectibles- Judaica and Eretz Israel Items

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 224

Part 1
Jul 16, 2014
Decorative Objects and Collectibles- Judaica and Eretz Israel Items

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 223

Part 2
May 20, 2014
Decorative Items, Silver, Jewelry, Watches, Pens, Porcelain by Meissen and other manufacturers

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 223

Part 1
May 19, 2014
Stamps, Antique Coins, Eretz Israel Books and Items , Israeli Ceramics

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 222

Part 3
Mar 25, 2014
Decorative Objects, Porcelain and Glass, Furniture

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 222

Part 2
Mar 24, 2014
Items of Judaica, Manuscripts, Autographs, Books, etc

Ben-Ami Endres - Auction 222

Part 1
Mar 23, 2014
Stamps, Banknotes, Coins, Archaeology, Antique Coins